For detailed vignette on usage, tutorials with code for standard or sample multiplexed experiments with Seurat and integration with Bioconductor and Scanpy as well as FAQ, please see the vignette in the vignettes folder above!
dsb (denoised and scaled by background) is a lightweight R package developed in John Tsang’s Lab (NIH-NIAID) by Matt Mulè, Andrew Martins and John Tsang. Through control experiments and computational modeling designed to interrogate sources of noise in antibody-based protein data from droplet single cell experiments, we developed and validated dsb for removing noise and normalizing protein data from single cell methods such as CITE-seq, REAP-seq, and Mission Bio Tapestri.
See the dsb Biorxiv preprint for details on the method.
Follow tutorial below to use dsb in a workflow with Seurat or integrate
with Bioconductor or Scanpy.
CITE-seq protein data suffers from substantial background noise (for example, see supplementary fig 5a in Stoeckius et. al. 2017 Nat. Methods). We performed experiments and analysis to dissect this noise and the dsb method is based on 3 key findings outlined in our paper.
Based on unstained control experiments and modeling we found a major source of protein background noise comes from ambient, unbound antibody encapsulated in droplets.
“Empty” droplets (containing ambient mRNA and antibody but no cell), outnumber cell-containing droplets by 10-100 fold and capture the ambient component of protein background noise.
Cell-to-cell technical variations such as stochastic differences in cell lysis/capture, RT efficiency, sequencing depth, and non-specific antibody binding can be estimated and removed by defining the “technical component” of each cell’s protein library. Please consider citing the dsb preprint if you use this package or find the protein noise modeling results useful. If you have a question please first see the FAQ section of the vignette then open an issue on the github site so the community can benefit.
Use the DSBNormalizeProtein()
function to
1) normalize raw protein counts of a cells (columns) by proteins (rows)
matrix cells_citeseq_mtx
estimating the ambient component of noise
with empty_drop_citeseq_mtx
, a matrix of background/empty droplets. 2)
model and remove the ‘technical component’ of each cell’s protein
library by setting denoise.counts = TRUE
and include isotype controls
in the calculation of the technical component with use.isotype.control = TRUE
# install dsb package directly from github:
require(devtools); devtools::install_github(repo = 'MattPM/dsb')
adt_norm = DSBNormalizeProtein(
# remove ambient protien noise reflected in counts from empty droplets
cell_protein_matrix = cells_citeseq_mtx, # cell-containing droplet raw protein count matrix
empty_drop_matrix = empty_drop_citeseq_mtx, # empty/background droplet raw protein counts
# recommended step II: model and remove the technical component of each cell's protein library
denoise.counts = TRUE, # (default = TRUE); run step II
use.isotype.control = TRUE, # (default = TRUE): use isotype controls to define technical components. = rownames(cells_citeseq_mtx)[67:70] # vector of isotype control names
Download RAW (not filtered!) feature / cellmatrix raw from
public 10X Genomics CITE-seq data
The tutorial below uses use R 3.6. We emphasize normalized protein data
and raw RNA data from this workflow at step III can be used with Seurat,
Bioconductor or Python’s AnnData class in Scanpy. We use a convenience
function from Seurat Read10X
to load the raw data. We then provide a
suggested workflow after normalization with dsb based on the CITE-seq
analysis used in our paper on baseline immune system states: Kotliarov
et. al. 2020 Nat.
Please see multiplexing experiments section if your experiment used superloading/demultiplexing and FAQ section for guidance if you have multiple 10X lanes and or batches.
Below we load the raw output from the Cell Ranger count alignment. The raw output is a sparse matrix of possible cell barcodes vs proteins / mRNA. The number of cell barcodes ranges 500k-6M depending on the kit/chemistry version.
library(Seurat) # Seurat Version 3 used below for the Read10X function
library(tidyverse) # used for ggplot and %>% (tidyverse is not a dsb dependency)
# read raw data using the Seurat function "Read10X"
raw = Read10X("data/10x_data/10x_pbmc5k_V3/raw_feature_bc_matrix/")
# Read10X formats the output as a list for the ADT and RNA assays: split this list
prot = raw$`Antibody Capture`
rna = raw$`Gene Expression`
# create a metadata dataframe of simple qc stats for each droplet
rna_size = log10(Matrix::colSums(rna))
prot_size = log10(Matrix::colSums(prot))
ngene = Matrix::colSums(rna > 0)
mtgene = grep(pattern = "^MT-", rownames(rna), value = TRUE)
propmt = Matrix::colSums(rna[mtgene, ]) / Matrix::colSums(rna)
md =, rna_size, ngene, prot_size))
md$bc = rownames(md)
Now that we loaded the raw output, we define cells and background droplets. Methods for defining droplets depend on the experiment design. The number of droplets you define as cell-containing should be in line with the number of cells loaded and the expected cell recovery. In this experiment, 5000 cells were loaded in a single 10X lane. In the protein library size histogram below, large peaks < 1 and ~2 contain > 30,000 and 60,000 drops respectively. The smaller peaks > 3 (for both mRNA and protein) contain ~5000 drops and therefore the rightmost peaks > 3 are the cell-containing droplets we next perform quality control as in any single cell preprocessing workflow. Again, see multiplexing experiments section and FAQ if you have many lanes / batches and or superloading.
p1 = ggplot(md[md$rna_size > 0, ], aes(x = rna_size)) + geom_histogram(fill = "dodgerblue") + ggtitle("RNA library size \n distribution")
p2 = ggplot(md[md$prot_size> 0, ], aes(x = prot_size)) + geom_density(fill = "firebrick2") + ggtitle("Protein library size \n distribution")
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 1)
Below we define background droplets as the major peak in the background distribution between 1.4 and 2.5 log total protein counts-note one could also define the empty/ background droplets as the entire population from 0 to 2.5 with little impact on normalized values (see the dsb paper section on sensitivity analysis to different definitions of background for details). In addition, we add mRNA quality control-based filters to remove potential low quality cells from both the background drops and the cells as you would in any scRNAseq workflow (e.g. see Seurat tutorials and Luecken et. al. 2019 Mol Syst Biol).
# define a vector of background / empty droplet barcodes based on protein library size and mRNA content
background_drops = md[md$prot_size > 1.4 & md$prot_size < 2.5 & md$ngene < 80, ]$bc
negative_mtx_rawprot = prot[ , background_drops] %>% as.matrix()
# define a vector of cell-containing droplet barcodes based on protein library size and mRNA content
positive_cells = md[md$prot_size > 2.8 & md$ngene < 3000 & md$ngene > 200 & propmt <0.2, ]$bc
cells_mtx_rawprot = prot[ , positive_cells] %>% as.matrix()
Check: are the number of cells in line with the expected recovery from the experiment?
[1] 3481
Yes. After quality control above we have 3481 cells which is in line
with the 5000 cells loaded in this experiment and closely matches the
estimated cells from the filtered output from cell ranger (not shown).
The protein library size distribution of the cells (orange) and
background droplets (blue) used for normalization are highlighted below.
>67,000 negative droplets are used to estimate the ambient background
for normalizing the 3,481 single cells. (see FAQ for code to generate
this plot
If you have isotype control proteins, set denoise.counts = TRUE
use.isotype.control = TRUE
and provide a vector containing names of
isotype control proteins (the rownames of the protein matrix that are
isotype controls). For example, in this experiment, rows 30:32 of the
data are the isotype control proteins so we set = rownames(cells_mtx_rawprot)[30:32]
. If you
don’t have Isotype controls see the section ‘Quick overview for
experiments without isotype
#normalize protein data for the cell containing droplets with the dsb method.
dsb_norm_prot = DSBNormalizeProtein(
cell_protein_matrix = cells_mtx_rawprot, # cell containing droplets
empty_drop_matrix = negative_mtx_rawprot, # estimate ambient noise with the background drops
denoise.counts = TRUE, # model and remove each cell's technical component
use.isotype.control = TRUE, # use isotype controls to define the technical component = rownames(cells_mtx_rawprot)[30:32] # names of isotype control abs
The function returns a matrix of normalized protein values which can be integrated with any single cell analysis software. We provide an example with Seurat, Bioconductor and Scanpy below.
# filter raw protein, RNA and metadata to only include cell-containing droplets
cells_rna = rna[ ,positive_cells]
md = md[positive_cells, ]
# create Seurat object with cell-containing drops (min.cells is a gene filter, not a cell filter)
s = Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = cells_rna, = md, assay = "RNA", min.cells = 20)
# add DSB normalized "dsb_norm_prot" protein data to a assay called "CITE" created in step II
s[["CITE"]] = Seurat::CreateAssayObject(data = dsb_norm_prot)
This object can be used in downstream analysis using Seurat.
This is similar to the workflow used in our paper Kotliarov et. al. 2020 Nat. Medicine where we analyzed mRNA states within interpretable clusters defined by dsb normalized protein data. We first run spectral clustering using Seurat directly on the dsb normalized protein values without reducing dimensionality of the cells x protein matrix with PCA.
# define Euclidean distance matrix on dsb normalized protein data (without isotype controls)
dsb = s@assays$CITE@data[1:29, ]
p_dist = dist(t(dsb))
p_dist = as.matrix(p_dist)
# Cluster using Seurat
s[["p_dist"]] = Seurat::FindNeighbors(p_dist)$snn
s = Seurat::FindClusters(s, resolution = 0.5, = "p_dist")
A heatmap of average dsb normalized values in each cluster help in annotating clusters results. The values for each cell represent the number of standard deviations of each protein from the expected noise from reflected by the protein’s distribution in empty droplets, +/- the residual of the fitted model to the cell-intrinsic technical component.
# calculate the average of each protein separately for each cluster
prots = rownames(s@assays$CITE@data)
adt_plot = adt_data %>%
group_by(seurat_clusters) %>%
summarize_at(.vars = prots, .funs = mean) %>%
# plot a heatmap of the average dsb normalized values for each cluster
pheatmap::pheatmap(t(adt_plot), color = viridis::viridis(25, option = "B"), fontsize_row = 8, border_color = NA)
Dimensionality reduction plots can sometimes be useful visualization tools, for example to guide cluster annotation similar to the averaged values above. Below we calculate UMAP embeddings for each cell directly on the dsb normalized protein values-we recommend this rather than using principal components for tSNE or UMAP. We then create a combined dataframe with the UMAP embeddings, dsb normalized protein values, and all cell metadata variables. This ‘tidy’ dataframe can be used for further statistical modeling or for visualization with base R functions or ggplot.
library(reticulate); use_virtualenv("r-reticulate")
# set umap config
config = umap.defaults
config$n_neighbors = 40
config$min_dist = 0.4
# run umap directly on dsb normalized values
ump = umap(t(s2_adt3), config = config)
umap_res =$layout)
colnames(umap_res) = c("UMAP_1", "UMAP_2")
# save results dataframe
df_dsb = cbind(, umap_res,$CITE@data)))
Additional topics covered in the vignette
Multiplexing Experiments
Multi-lane / multi-batch processing
Integration with Bioconductor
Integration with Scanpy
A review of this code has been conducted, no critical errors exist, and to the best of the authors knowledge, there are no problematic file paths, no local system configuration details, and no passwords or keys included in this code. This open source software comes as is with absolutely no warranty.
By using this software, you agree this software is to be used for
research purposes only. Any presentation of data analysis using dsb will
acknowledge the software according to the guidelines below. How to
Please cite this software as: 1. Mulè MP, Martins AJ, Tsang JS.
Normalizing and denoising protein expression data from droplet-based
single cell profiling. bioRxiv. 2020;2020.02.24.963603.
Primary author(s): Matt Mulè Andrew Martins and John Tsang
Organizational contact information: General: john.tsang AT,
code: mulemp AT
Date of release: Oct 7 2020
Version: 0.1.0 License details: see package
Description: dsb:an R package for normalizing and denoising CITEseq
protein data
Usage instructions: Provided in this markdown
Example(s) of usage: Provided in this markdown and vignettes
Proper attribution to others, when applicable: NA
# checked repo for PII and searched for strings with paths
# code check
fcn = suppressMessages(list.files(here("R/"), ".r", full.names = TRUE))
vignette = list.files(path = here("vignettes/dsb_normalizing_CITEseq_data.R"))
# code check
scp = c(fcn, vignette) %>% as.list()
lt = suppressMessages((lapply(scp, lintr::lint)))