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Go Report Card Build Status License: MIT

A Golang based high-performance, scalable and distributed job execution engine.


  • Horizontally scalable
  • Task isolation - tasks are executed within a container to provide isolation, idempotency, and in order to enforce resource limits
  • Automatic recovery of tasks in the event of a worker crash
  • Supports both stand-alone and distributed setup
  • Retry failed tasks
  • Pre/Post tasks
  • No single point of failure.
  • Task timeout
  • Expression Language
  • Conditional Tasks


architecture diagram

Coordinator: responsible for managing the lifecycle of a task through its various states and for exposing a REST API to the clients.

Worker: responsible for executing tasks by means of a runtime (typically Docker).

Broker: the message-queue, pub/sub mechanism used for routing tasks.

Datastore: holds the state for tasks and jobs.

Runtime: the platform used by workers to execute tasks. Currently only Docker is supported.

Getting started


Before running the examples, ensure you have the following software installed:

  • Go 1.18 or later
  • Docker with API Version >= 1.42 (use docker version | grep API to check)

Hello World

Start in standalone mode:

go run cmd/main.go -mode standalone

Submit a job in another terminal:

# hello.yaml
name: hello job
  - name: say hello
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    run: |
      echo -n hello world
  - name: say goodbye
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    run: |
      echo -n bye world
JOB_ID=$(curl \
  -s \
  -X POST \
  --data-binary @hello.yaml \
  -H "Content-type: text/yaml" \
  http://localhost:3000/job | jq -r .id)

Query for the status of the job:

curl -s http://localhost:3000/job/$JOB_ID | jq .

  "id": "ed0dba93d262492b8cf26e6c1c4f1c98",
  "state": "COMPLETED",
  "execution": [
      "state": "COMPLETED",

A slightly more interesting example

The following job:

  1. Downloads a remote video file using a pre task to a shared /tmp volume.
  2. Converts the first 5 seconds of the downloaded video using ffmpeg.
  3. Uploads the converted video to a destination using a post task.
# convert.yaml
name: convert a video
  - name: convert the first 5 seconds of a video
    image: jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3.4-alpine
    run: |
      ffmpeg -i /tmp/input.ogv -t 5 /tmp/output.mp4
      - /tmp
      - name: download the remote file
        image: alpine:3.18.3
          SOURCE_URL: "{{ inputs.source }}"
        run: |
          wget \
          $SOURCE_URL \
          -O /tmp/input.ogv
      - name: upload the converted file
        image: alpine:3.18.3
        run: |
          wget \
          --post-file=/tmp/output.mp4 \


By default all tasks are routed to the default queue.

All workers subscribe to the default queue unless they make use of the -queue flag.

It is often desirable to route tasks to different queues in order to create specialized pools of workers.

For example, one pool of workers, specially configured to handle video transcoding can listen to video processing related tasks:

go run cmd/main.go -mode worker -queue transcoding:3 -queue default:10

In this example the worker would handle up to 3 transcoding-related tasks and up to 10 "regular" tasks concurrently.

This could make sense because transcoding tends to be very resource intensive so a single worker might not want to handle more than 3 concurrent tasks.

To route a task to a special queue use the queue property:

name: transcode a video
queue: transcoding
image: jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3.4-alpine
run: |
  ffmpeg \
    -i \

Special queues

  • jobs - incoming jobs land in this queue prior to being scheduled for processing by the Coordinator.

  • pending - incoming tasks land in this queue prior to being scheduled for processing by the Coordinator.

  • started - when the worker starts working on a task it inserts the task to this queue to notify the Coordinator.

  • completed - when a worker completes the processing of a task successfully it inserts it -- along with its output -- to this queue to notify the Coordinator.

  • error - when a worker encounters an error while processing a task it inserts the task to this queue to notify the Coordinator.

  • hearbeat - the queue used by workers to periodically notify the Coordinator about their "aliveness".

  • x-<worker id> - each worker subscribes to an exclusive queue which can be used by the coordinator to cancel tasks started by a particular worker.

Environment Variables

You can set custom environment variables for a given task by using the env property:

name: print a message
image: ubuntu:mantic
  INTRO: hello world
  OUTRO: bye world
run: |
  echo $INTRO
  echo $OUTRO


By convention, any environment variables which contain the keywords SECRET, PASSWORD or ACCESS_KEY in their names will have their values automatically redacted from logs as well as from API responses.

Warning: Tork automatically redacts secrets printed to the log, but you should avoid printing secrets to the log intentionally.


The Datastore is responsible for holding job and task metadata.

You can specify which type of datastore to use using the -datastore flag.

inmemory: the default implementation. Typically isn't suitable for production because all state will be lost upon restart.

postgres: uses a Postgres database as the underlying implementation. Example:

Start Postgres DB:

docker compose up postgres -d

Run a migration to create the database schema

docker compose up migration

Start Tork

go run cmd/main.go \
  -mode standalone \
  -datastore postgres \
  -postgres-dsn "host=localhost user=tork password=tork dbname=tork port=5432 sslmode=disable"

Running in a distributed mode

To run in distributed mode we need to use an external message broker.

Start RabbitMQ:

docker compose up rabbitmq -d

Start the Coordinator:

go run cmd/main.go \
 -mode coordinator \
 -broker rabbitmq \
 -rabbitmq-url amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672

Start the worker(s):

go run cmd/main.go \
 -mode worker \
 -broker rabbitmq \
 -rabbitmq-url amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672


By default, a task has no resource constraints and can use as much of a given resource as the host’s kernel scheduler allows.

Tork provides several ways to control how much CPU and Memory a task can use:

Setting global defaults at the worker level

--default-cpus-limit - the default maximum number of CPUs that a task is allowed to use when executing on as given worker. For instance, if the host machine has two CPUs and you set --default-cpus-limit="1.5", a task is guaranteed at most one and a half of the CPUs.

--default-memory-limit - the default maximum amount of memory that a task is allowed to use when executing on a given worker. Units are specified as a positive integer, followed by a suffix of b, k, m, g, to indicate bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.

Setting limits on the task itself

For more fine-grained control, default limits can be overridden at an individual task level:

name: some task
image: ubuntu:mantic
run: sleep 10
  cpus: .5
  memory: 10m


Tasks can write arbitrary text output to the standard output file defined in $TORK_OUTPUT. Downstream tasks may refer to outputs of previous tasks. Example:

  - name: populate a variable
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    # The task must specify the name of the
    # variable under which its results will be
    # stored in the job's context
    var: task1
    run: |
      echo -n "world" >> "$TORK_OUTPUT"
  - name: say hello
    image: ubuntu:mantic
      # refer to the outputs of the previous task
      NAME: "{{ tasks.task1 }}"
    run: |
      echo -n hello $NAME


Tork uses the expr language to:

  • Evaluate embedded expressions in a task's environment variables.
  • Evaluate a task's if condition to determine whether a task should run. When an if expression evaluates to anything expect false, the task will run.

Some examples:

  • Skip certain tasks using the if property:
  run: "true"
  - name: say something
    if: "{{ == 'true' }}"
    image: ubuntu:mantic
    run: |
      echo "this should not execute"
  • access the job's context
  message: hello world
  - name: say something
    image: ubuntu:mantic
      MESSAGE: "{{inputs.message}}"
    run: |
      echo $MESSAGE
  - name: print the length of a string
    image: ubuntu:mantic
      LENGTH: "{{len("hello world")}}"
    run: |
      echo "The length of the string is: $LENGTH"
  - name: generate a random number
    image: ubuntu:mantic
      RANDOM_NUMBER: "{{ randomInt() }}"
    run: |
      echo "a random number: $RANDOM_NUMBER"

Pre/Post Tasks

It is sometimes desireable to execute a task - potentially using a different image - before or after a task executes and share the state of that execution with the "main" task we want to execute. This is where pre and post tasks come in.

Each task can define a set of tasks that will be executed prior to its execution, and after its execution.

The pre and post tasks always execute on the same worker node which will execute the task itself and are considered to be an atomic part of the task. That is, a failure in any of the pre/post tasks is considered a failure of the entire task.

Additionally, any volumes defined are also accessible to the pre and post tasks.

- name: convert the first 5 seconds of a video
  image: jrottenberg/ffmpeg:3.4-alpine
  run: |
    ffmpeg -i /tmp/input.ogv -t 5 /tmp/output.mp4
    - /tmp
    - name: download the remote file
      image: alpine:3.18.3
      run: |
        wget \ \
         -O /tmp/input.ogv
    - name: upload the converted file
      image: alpine:3.18.3
      run: |
        wget \
        --post-file=/tmp/output.mp4 \


Submit a job

Submit a new job to be scheduled for execution


POST /job


JSON Input:


YAML Input:


Request body:

  • name - a human-readable name for the job
  • tasks - the list of task to execute
  • inputs - input parameters allow you to specify data that the job expects to use during its runtime. Input values can be accessed by tasks by using a template expression, e.g. {{ inputs.someParam }}

task properties:

  • name - a human-readable name for the task
  • image (required) - the docker image to use to execute the task
  • run - the script to run on the container
  • env - a key-value map of environment variables
  • queue - the name of the queue that the task should be routed to. See queues.
  • pre - the list of tasks to execute prior to executing the actual task.
  • post - the list of tasks to execute post execution of the actual task.
  • volumes - a list of temporary volumes, created for the duration of the execution of the task. Useful for sharing state between the task and its pre and post tasks.
      - /data1
      - /data2
    note: if you get an invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist error it's most likely due to the fact that the Docker daemon isn't allowed to mount volumes from your default $TMPDIR. Try using the --temp-dir flag to explictly set it to another directory.
  • retry - the retry configuration to execute in case of a failure. Example:
      limit: 5 # will retry up to 5 times
  • timeout - the amount of time (specified as 300ms or 1h or 45m etc.) that a task may execute before it is cancelled.



curl -X POST "http://localhost:3000/job" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"name":"sample job","tasks":[{
       "name": "sample task",
       "image": "ubuntu:mantic",
       "run": "echo hello world"


curl -X POST "http://localhost:3000/job" \
     -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" \
     -d \
name: sample job
  - name: sample task
    image: ubuntu:mantic,
    run: echo hello world


HTTP 200

  "id": "68c602bed6d34d7f9130bfa13786e422",
  "name": "sample job",
  "state": "PENDING",
  "createdAt": "2023-08-12T15:55:12.143998-04:00",
  "tasks": [{
    "name": "sample task",
    "run": "echo hello world",
    "image": "ubuntu:mantic,"

Cancel a running job


PUT /job/{job id}/cancel



HTTP 200

  "status": "OK"


400 Bad Request

  "error": "job in not running"


Copyright (c) 2023-present Arik Cohen. Tork is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License.


A distributed workflow engine







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  • Go 99.9%
  • Makefile 0.1%