List available images:
$ curl
"images": [
Read more about available images:
Market images:
Create instance:
$ curl
"disclaimer": "If you pay the LN invoice, you agree with terms of service: any abuse usage is prohibited. Your instance may be stopped and/or destroyed at any time without any reason. Do backups. Your data is securely encrypted and instances hosted in enterprise-grade datacenters. Your digital identifiers are logged for authorization purposes. Bitclouds never use your data for any purpose except mentioned above.",
"host": "hassaleh",
"paytostart": "lnbc990n1p0ak494m560c4gya4t74vptuz39qpp5nhfplt6rzr4wmxd4nprkd3jkssrzd96xxmr0w4j8xxqyjw5qcqpjsp5rw6pu3va62cgajy53qc0dldla93g5rzvxsvzgwxj9xjjysc2sclqrzjqt3xwz3vyes6nm4p8d70mnwh74f0tydeaesw2eut02l80dle29hevzw4suqqgqgqqyqqqqlgqqqqqqgq9q9qy9qsqtg8qrt82t9fy0la0j30rw5g044pt9rfshdcrhzms47jcdp2m6nkkxhvgkfufhtvl3hd3tz7duet5gm46mc2cpmwls47gpvpysrqj5sspa2u99k",
"performance": "1xXeon-2GB-40GB",
"price": "<1 sat/min",
"support": ""
After you paid invoice your VPS will be created within a minute
Check instance status:
$ curl
"balance": 96,
"ip4": "",
"key": "",
"status": "subscribed",
"tip": "was your recent backup restore succesfull?",
"user": "debian"
Get instance access key:
$ curl > ssh.key && chmod 400 ssh.key
Connect to the instance:
$ ssh -i ssh.key [email protected]
------------------: System Data :-------------------------------
Hostname: hassaleh (
Kernel: 4.19.0-13-amd64 (Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster))
Uptime: 06:55:32 up 9 min, 1 user, load average: 0.06, 0.03, 0.00
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU v4 @ 3.60GHz (1 cores)
Memory(Mb): 1 Gb total / 1 Gb free
------------------------: Logged as: [debian] ------------------------------
For support:
Add balance to your instance:
$ curl
to add 99 sats by default
or $ curl
specify amount (==minutes) you would like to pay
"host": "hassaleh",
"invoice": "lnbc300u1p0ak37tpp52et53crpn0ssvh6w9z0v4jy294q7f258gtxw2gz9mres9vuu87lmsjpk423x63sy2s6dxdfkq0vrwcauuwclyzyfqdqadpshxumpd3jkssrzd96xxmr0w4j8xxqyjw5qcqpjsp5tevhmddxe9sc0w2p7s789c4yjmgfdmhtjsu2776cumx7lpgu5hhsrzjqgfursuzjw8vrwhwkut8r0nr62wjt6r8uxmuqu2x3hf2e6jy26z3uzw435qq8zgqqyqqqp9fqqqqqzcqyg9qy9qsq82x88w4ghzheaqgu9nsl3qmcc4hck0um3v2w63tu56j66gyf6zulmmqctvha422kfsptwajcs"