Simple barebones project to show share counts from various social networks.
Download the unminified ( JS + CSS ) or minified ( JS + CSS ) version and add the appropriate link and script tags into your HTML.
In your web page, add:
<!-- Replace YOUR_CUSTOM_URL with the URL you're sharing -->
<ul class="socialcount" data-url="YOUR_CUSTOM_URL">
<li class="facebook"><a href="" title="Share on Facebook"><span class="icon icon-facebook"></span><span class="count">Like</span></a></li>
<li class="twitter"><a href="" title="Share on Twitter"><span class="icon icon-twitter"></span><span class="count">Tweet</span></a></li>
<li class="googleplus"><a href="" title="Share on Google Plus"><span class="icon icon-googleplus"></span><span class="count">+1</span></a></li>
(Coming soon)
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your JavaScript code using grunt and the grunt test
To test the PHP code, navigate to the service
directory and run phpunit socialcount_service_test.php
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2012 Filament Group Licensed under the MIT license.