- Berlin
UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying items of different sizes in a grid without wasting any visual space. Inspired by: http://www.crispymtn.com/stories/the-algorithm-for-a-perfectly-balan…
mvasilak / route-me
Forked from route-me/route-meOpen source map library for iOS and Mac OS X
dlinsin / OBSlider
Forked from ole/OBSliderA UISlider subclass that adds variable scrubbing speeds (as seen in the iPad app on iOS).
oleganza / canabalt-ios
Forked from ericjohnson/canabalt-iosOpen source release of Canabalt for iOS
apcj / aws-sdk-for-java-on-gae
Forked from aws/aws-sdk-javaFork of the official AWS SDK for Java, modified to work from within Google App Engine.
darkseed / fast-scrolling
Forked from adamalex/fast-scrollingCode from "Fast Scrolling in Tweetie with UITableView" blog post (unofficial)
fabeat / facebox
Forked from defunkt/faceboxFacebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery
jkells / sc_listener
Forked from stephencelis/sc_listenerA simple class for listening to microphone levels and detecting frequency, suitable for the iPhone.
nielswh / iPhone-AR-Toolkit
Forked from zac/iphonearkitAn Objective-C augmented reality kit for iPhone. Forked from the iphonearkit.