Docker container for eth2.0-deposit-cli
Pass UID during build if you are not using docker-compose
The following assumes Ubuntu, hence sudo to run docker. If that's not necessary in your environment, just leave sudo off the command and run directly as the logged-in user.
You'd run this from the docker-compose one level up. To test build here:
sudo docker build -t eth2.0-deposit-cli --build-arg USER=depcli --build-arg UID=$UID .
Create a directory to hold the created keys:
mkdir -p $HOME/.eth2
You can then run this, assuming you have a ~/.eth2/
directory, and you want one validator on the
medella testnet:
sudo docker run -it -v $HOME/.eth2:/var/lib/depcli eth2.0-deposit-cli
Here is an example of running it to create 10 validators:
sudo docker run -it -v $HOME/.eth2:/var/lib/depcli -e "numvals=10" eth2.0-deposit-cli
Make sure to write down your mnemonic and keep it in a safe place. You will find your keys in $HOME/.eth2/validator_keys. See the one directory up for more on key security.
Prune build images - saves space if no further builds are likely:
sudo docker system prune -f