Apache Kafka to WebSocket creates web-socket server that serves data from Apache Kafka topic(s). This is also great tool for inspecting Kafka topic(s) using built-in browser based consumer.
- create your
file - download and run binary for your OS (
should be in the same directory)
schema.version: "1.0"
- kafka.consumer.config:
metadata.broker.list: kafka:9092
group.id: k2ws-group
- test
address: :80
schema.version: "1.0"
# domain certificate files are located in certs folder
tls.cert.file: ./certs/k2ws.socialgist.com.crt
tls.key.file: ./certs/k2ws.socialgist.com.key
# WebSocket X | wss://k2ws.socialgist.com/kafkaA
- kafka.consumer.config:
metadata.broker.list: kafkaA:9092
group.id: k2ws-wsx-group
- a1
- a2
address: :443
endpoint.prefix: kafka_a
# WebSocket X | wss://k2ws.socialgist.com/kafkaB
- kafka.consumer.config:
metadata.broker.list: kafkaB:9092
group.id: k2ws-wsx-group
- b1
address: :443
endpoint.prefix: kafka_b
# WebSocket Y | wss://k2ws.socialgist.com/kafkaC
- kafka.consumer.config:
metadata.broker.list: kafkaC:9092
group.id: k2ws-wsy-group
- c1
address: :443
endpoint.prefix: kafka_c
For setting up kafka.consumer.config
and kafka.default.topic.config
refer to librdkafka docs.
Property | Required | Range | Default | Description |
kafka.consumer.config/metadata.broker.list |
yes | Initial list of brokers as a CSV list of broker host or host:port. | ||
kafka.consumer.config/group.id |
Client group id string. All clients sharing the same group.id belong to the same group. If omitted group id will be expected to be passed by client. | |||
kafka.default.topic.config/auto.offset.reset |
smallest, earliest, beginning, largest, latest, end, error | Action to take when there is no initial offset in offset store or the desired offset is out of range. If omitted it will be expected to be passed by client. | ||
topics |
List of Kafka topics that will be served via websocket. If omitted topic list will be expected to be passed by client. | |||
address |
yes | Host (or IP) and port pair where socket will be served from. Host (IP) is optional. Example localhost:8888 or :8888 . |
endpoint.prefix |
Prefix of the websocket and test paths. By default is empty. | |||
endpoint.websocket |
Path to websocket URL. By default it's empty. | |||
endpoint.test |
test | Path to test page URL. | ||
message.details |
false |
Include key, headers, topic partition, timesteamp into websocket message payload. Message will be in JSON format. | ||
message.type |
json, text | json | Type of Kafka messages. This is only important when message.details option is set to true because it will affect creation of websocket message payload. |
When topics
, kafka.consumer.config/group.id
and/or kafka.consumer.config/auto.offset.reset
are omitted in configuration, they are expected to be set by client as a query parameters in websocket URL. For example if websocket URL is ws://localhost:8888/
client can set these by making request to ws://localhost:8888/?topics=topicA,topicB&group.id=mygroup&auto.offset.reset=earliest
. Note that this only works for parameters that are omitted from configuration thus setting them otherwise will have no effect.
You can serve more then one Kafka config entry on the same port as long as they all have unique websocket and test endpoints.
Add/remove/modify files in k2ws/static
directory and using esc tool from inside k2ws
directory run esc -o static.go static
. This will re-create static.go
This project has librdkafka
You can build it statically with go build -tags static
. Check out confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go for more info.
docker build -f Dockerfile.build -t k2ws-build .
docker run --rm -v $PWD/build:/build k2ws-build
You'll end up with ./build/k2ws
executable that works on Linux.
docker build -f Dockerfile.k2ws -t k2ws .
docker run -d --name=k2ws --net=host -v _PATH_TO_CONFIG_:/config.yaml k2ws
- get and start
installation from https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe- select install from Internet
- select
as root directory - select
domain - view -> full
- install
- click on the icon left from Skip ( keep clicking until you figure the latest version )
- optionally put
for convenience so that you can install more libs later if needed
- add
to PATH - open your project directory in command prompt
- get
from https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe - run
nuget install librdkafka.redist -Version 0.11.4
( this is currently the latest version ) - this will download
into newlibrdkafka.redist.0.11.4
directory - copy
- copy
is renamed to.a
) - create file
in the project's root directory with following content:
Name: librdkafka
Description: The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
Version: 0.11.4
Cflags: -I${includedir}
Libs: -L${libdir} -lrdkafka
Libs.private: -lssl -lcrypto -lcrypto -lz -ldl -lpthread -lrt
- run
set CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
(this will allowcgo
to usex86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
instead ofgcc
- you can make sure it worked withgo env CC
) - run
go build
, that will create executable - deliver
alongside with executable