Libra Wallet SDK for .NET
Blockcoli is an open source project which is the world 1st .NET SDK for creating Libra wallet. It is hosted on Github repository and also built as a Nuget package.
Build from .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 3.1
What's New
- Update Proto
- Change AccountStatePath
- Change RawTransactionHashSalt
- Transaction Payload Change from Program to ScriptLCS
- Libra Client - SubmitTransactionRequest.SignedTxn => SubmitTransactionRequest.Transaction
- Faucet change to LibExplorer API
To install the nuget package from a command line, run:
dotnet add package Blockcoli.Libra.Net
Or from Visual Studio Package Manager Console
Install-Package Blockcoli.Libra.Net
At the top of your class file, add using
for two namespaces.
using Blockcoli.Libra.Net.Wallet;
using Blockcoli.Libra.Net.Client;
In order to create a libra account, you would need to instantiate the LibraWallet
as shown in the following code example:
// Create a new wallet
var wallet = new LibraWallet();
// Create a new account
var account = wallet.NewAccount();
// Mnemonic words (secret) for recovering wallet
var mnemonic = wallet.Mnemonic;
// Get your account address
In order to create a libra account, you would need to instantiate the LibraWallet
as shown in the following code example:
// Recovering a wallet with mnemonic words (secret)
var mnemonic = "elite kidney kangaroo enhance list mule paddle arrange popular frown ahead carry endorse thunder toy broken absorb level surprise arrow analyst segment wave fat";
// Create a wallet
var wallet = new LibraWallet(mnemonic);
// Recover an Account
var account = wallet.NewAccount();
// Get your account address
To mint an amount, you would need to create a LibraClient
and use it to mint
// Currently minting only works for testnet and uses the faucet service.
var client = new LibraClient(LibraNetwork.Testnet);
// Mint amout in Micro-Libra. (1 Libra = 1000000 Micro-Libra)
var sequenceNumber = await client.MintWithFaucetService(account.Address, 1000000);
// You can use parameter array for checking multiple addresses.
var accountState = await client.QueryBalance(account.Address);
// You can use parameter array for checking multiple addresses.
var sender = wallet.Accounts.ElementAt(0).Value;
var receiverAddress = "face4412ab3325cf6e26624cff089eb1bf8ec6da489f05aad72a81de5ff7b5d1";
var amount = 10000000UL;
var success = await client.TransferCoins(sender, receiverAddress, amount);
Console.WriteLine($"AC Status: {success}");
- Libra Core by perfectmak :
- Libra Core by kulapio :
- Elliptic-curve cryptography by PeterWaher :
- 1950Labs / 2019_POC_Libra :
MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Blockcoli