Create native desktop applications for Windows, OS X and Linux using Vue.js.
Vuido is a framework for creating native desktop applications based on Vue.js. Application using Vuido can run on Windows, OS X and Linux, using native GUI components, and don't require Electron.
Under the hood, Vuido uses the libui library which provides native GUI components for each desktop platform, and the libui-node bindings for Node.js.
The following prerequisites are needed to compile libui-node, which is used by Vuido.
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
If they are not provided by default in your distribution:
sudo apt install build-essential libgtk-3-dev
- Xcode
xcode-select --install
The easiest way to start using Vuido is to use vue-cli to create the scaffolding of the project.
First make sure that vue-cli is installed globally:
npm install --global vue-cli
Run the following command to create the project (replace my-project
with the name of your project):
vue init mimecorg/vuido-webpack-template my-project
Enter the directory created by vue-cli and install all dependencies:
cd my-project
npm install
Now you can build and run your application:
npm run build
npm start
Although native desktop applications can run in the standard Node.js environment, it is recommended to use LaunchUI to package and distribute them to end users.
The easiest way to create a package for your application is to use the LaunchUI Packager. It provides an API for creating packages for Windows, Linux and OS X.
You can find the full documentation of Vuido at
Currently Vuido implements the basic containers and widgets and it's ready to be used for creating simple applications. More advanced features are under active development.
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome, however please look for a related issue in the libui project first, because Vuido can only implement functionality which is already implemented in libui.
Vuido is largely based on Vue.js and shares most of its code, except for the platform specific code related to libui.
Vuido was inspired by Proton Native, an environment for creating native desktop applications using React.
Vuido is licensed under the MIT license
Copyright (C) 2018 Michał Męciński