Cordova 1.5.0 support added March 29 2012 - @RandyMcMillan
StatusBarHidden issue addressed
Comment/Uncomment line 56 in SMSComposer.m if your app shows/hides the statusbar when it is launched
SMSComposer.m LINE 56: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES];///This hides the statusbar when the picker is presented -@RandyMcMillan
by Grant Sanders
Using this plugin requires PhoneGap for iPhone.
- Add the SMSComposer.h and SMSComposer.m files to your "Plugins" folder in your PhoneGap project
- Add the SMSComposer.js files to your "www" folder on disk, and add a reference to the .js file after phonegap.js.
- Add the MessageUI framework to your Xcode project. In Xcode 4, double-click on the target, select "Build Phases" -> "Link Binary with Libraries" -> "+" and select "MessageUI.framework".
- Add the plugin to the PhoneGap.plist under Plugins (key: "SMSComposer" value: "SMSComposer")
###20120219 ###
- Fix for deprecations in PhoneGap 1.4.x
- Added PhoneGap.plist instructions in
- Initial release
- Adds SMS text message composition in-app.
- Requires iOS 4.0 or higher. Attempts to compose SMS text without running 4.0+ fails gracefully with a friendly message.
All parameters are optional.
Passing phone number and message.
window.plugins.smsComposer.showSMSComposer('3424221122', 'hello');
Multiple recipents are separated by comma(s).
window.plugins.smsComposer.showSMSComposer('3424221122,2134463330', 'hello');
takes a callback as its first parameter. -
0, 1, 2, or 3 will be passed to the callback when the text message has been attempted.
if(result == 0)
else if(result == 1)
else if(result == 2)
else if(result == 3)
alert("Not Sent.");
},'3424221122,2134463330', 'hello');
- A fully working example as index.html has been added to this repository.
- It is an example of what your www/index.html could look like.