issues Search Results · repo:bluenote10/NimData language:Nim
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inbluenote10/NimData (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi! I would like to know if there is a way to obtain specific rows, columns or both from a dataframe. I mean something
similar like in other languages: DF[5, 7] = data in position row = 5 in column 7. ...
- Opened on Feb 3
- #72
I m sorry to ask this question, both because it has already been up in issues #43 but also because I m sure this is not
a problem with Nimdata but is most likely just me not being able to figure out Windows ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 17, 2022
- #70
Is it possible to pass in a DataFrame that can be aligned/joined with the original Dataframe to allow for a list of
values to group by?
Thanks for you wonderful package
- 4
- Opened on Aug 11, 2021
- #69
Hi, I m new to Nim (coming from Python/Pandas) and I m trying to follow the docs but get a type error at the filter
example. The example passes a string to contains for the second arg, but contains seems ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 9, 2021
- #65
It would be nice to add reshape to wide/long data format like R data.table::melt data.table::dcast or pandas
pivot/unpivot and stack/unstack. Details: ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 2, 2021
- #64
Is there support for the Apache Feather V2 format? I believe Python s Pandas supports them.
- 2
- Opened on Feb 25, 2021
- #63
Sorry for the silly question here,
How to append a row to an existing dataframe?
Thanks :)
import nimdata
let dfA = DF.fromSeq(@[
(name: A , age: 99)
let newrecord = (name: B , age: 100)
- 2
- Opened on Sep 18, 2020
- #62
Thank you for your excellent library! I try to use NimData with the JavaScript backend (compiling via nim js ...), but I
get an compile error in one of the dependencies.
Any way to avoid this?
- 2
- Opened on Aug 26, 2020
- #61
I m in the process of trying to upgrade some code to Nim 1.2.0 and ran into some problems. So I tried running the
NimData testcases under 1.2.0 and got similar errors.
$ nimble test
# no errors
$ nimble ...
- 4
- Opened on Apr 22, 2020
- #56

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