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Markdown and MDX

Zero automatically converts all .md files to HTML pages.

Zero also supports MDX. This means you can use JSX in-between your markdown like this:

import Graph from './components/graph'

## Here's a graph

<Graph />

Markdown Components

You can also import one markdown (or MDX) into another. Like this:

import License from './'

# Hello, world!

<License />

Populating Page's Head

Zero turns your Markdown into HTML page, you might want to set head tags of this page like <title>, <meta>, etc. for improved SEO. Zero has React Helmet Async set up which you can also use in your .md and .mdx files:

import {Helmet} from "react-helmet-async";

  <meta charset="ISO-8859-1" />
  <title>Page Title</title>
  <link rel="canonical" href="" />

# Page Heading

This page has a title and meta tags set.

You can check all the supported tags here.

Excluding Bundle from Client-Side

In addition to SSR (rendering on server-side), Zero bundles your app and adds it as a <script /> in your page's HTML. If you only want to render static pages without including any JavaScript, you can tell zero to do that by exporting a config object from your page with noBundling: true.

This is useful if your page only has static content and doesn't have any dynamic logic (onClicks, AJAX calls etc)


# Heading
This is markdown

export const config = {
  noBundling: true

Syntax Highlighting

Zero uses PrismJS for syntax highlighting <code> blocks. To avoid being opinionated about something so controversial (editor theme), Zero doesn't enforce a theme. You can enable syntax highlighting simply by importing one of the theme css files into your MDX. Here is a list of themes.