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Folders and files

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Zero can bundle and render Svelte pages. Zero treats each .svelte file in your project folder as a separate page. Svelte pages are also server-rendered.

If your svelte component resides in ./about.svelte file, it's exposed at http://<SERVER>/about.

Quick Start

Create a file index.svelte in an empty folder and add the following code to it:

<!-- index.svelte -->
  let name = "World";

<h1>Hello {name}</h1>

You can now run zero command in this folder and open http://localhost:3000/ in the browser.

For each Svelte page, zero does the following for you:

  • Transpilation and bundling (with Parcel).
  • Server rendering, so you don't see blank page until JS loads.
  • Automatic code splitting.


The top level .svelte component/page is passed props with useful information, which your component can consume by declaring them in your <script> block:

  export let user; // user data from session (req.user of Express)
  export let url; // { query, params }
  // also any preload data returned from preload()

Dynamic Routes (Pretty URL Slugs)

Zero decides routes based on file structure. Most projects also require dynamic routes like /user/luke and /user/anakin. Where luke and anakin are parameters. Zero natively supports this type of routes: any file or folder that starts with $ is considered a dynamic route.

So if you create ./user/$username.svelte and then from browser visit /user/luke, Zero will send that request to $username.svelte file and set url.params prop to {username: 'luke'}. Code for this:

└── user/
    └── $username.svelte <- this file
  export let url; // { query, params }
  // also any preload data returned from preload()

<h1>Hello, {url.params.username}</h1>

Parameters apply to folder-names too. Another example: if you want to cater /user/luke/messages route, you can handle this with following directory structure:

└── user/
    └── $username/
        └── index.svelte
        └── messages.svelte
  • index.svelte handles /user/:username routes.
  • messages.svelte handles /user/:username/messages routes.

Fetching API Data

You can have API routes alongside your Svelte pages (likely in .js or .py files). You can then fetch those API endpoints from your Svelte page. To do this, your Svelte page can optionally export a preload() function that will load any data that the page depends on, before rendering the page. Zero will first resolve preload() and pass the response to Svelte renderer along with other props. This means that the page will be rendered with data on server.

<script context="module">
  export async function preload({ req, url, user }) {
    const res = await fetch(`/api/messages`);
    const messages = await res.json();

    return { messages };

  // messages prop returned from preload() is passed here.
  export let messages;

You can export this function from your context="module" script.

This method runs on server-end. Data returned from preload() is serialized when server rendering. Make sure the returned object is a plain Object and not using Date, Map or Set.

preload is passed an object as argument with following values:

  • req - The standard Express Request object for this request.
  • user - When a user is logged in, this object contains the session data you stored when authenticating this user. Read more.
  • url - This object contains further two keys:
    • query: Query parameters passed to the request. Like if you URL called was /post?id=1, url.query will be {id: 1}.
    • params: An object of URL parameters, available when the page is part of a dynamic route. Like: /post/19/details (handled by file ./post/$postId/details.svelte), url.params in this case will be object {postId: 19}.

fetch() API

fetch() allows you to do network requests both in server-side code (like preload()) and on client-side. fetch() works the same on both the server and client.

Should you want to make a fetch request with credentials such as cookies, you should set the credentials of the request to "include".

fetch(url, {
  credentials: "include"

Populating Page's Head

You should set the page's head tags (<title>, <meta>, etc.) for improved SEO. Svelte has svelte:head set up for you to use in your Svelte pages like below:

  <title>Page Title</title>


Notice the <svelte:head> tag. Zero will inject any meta tags here to the page's HTML.