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The Arachne Graph Database server

To Install

go get

If you have defined $GOPATH the application will be installed at $GOPATH/bin/arachne otherwise it will be $HOME/go/bin/arachne

To Turn on server

arachne server

To Run Larger 'Amazon Data Test'

Turn on local arachne server

Download test data

curl -O

Convert the data

python $GOPATH/src/ amazon-meta.txt.gz

Create Amazon Graph

arachne create amazon

List the Graphs

arachne list

Load data

arachne load --edge --vertex --graph amazon

Example queries: Command line

arachne query amazon 'O.query().V().groupCount("group")'


import aql
import json

conn = aql.Connection("http://localhost:8201")

O = conn.graph("amazon")

#Count the Vertices
print list(O.query().V().count())
#Count the Edges
print list(O.query().E().count())

#Try simple traveral
print list(O.query().V("B00000I06U").outEdge())

#Do a group count of the different 'group's in the graph
print list(O.query().V().groupCount("group"))

#use graph to find every Book that is similar to a DVD
for a in O.query().V().has("group", "Book").mark("a").outgoing("similar").has("group", "DVD").mark("b").select(["a", "b"]):
    print a

Matrix Data Loading Example

Create the graph

arachne create test-data

Add Python Library to PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

Install Pandas if you don't already have it

pip install pandas

Load Pathway information

curl -O
gunzip PathwayCommons9.All.hgnc.sif.gz
python $GOPATH/src/ PathwayCommons9.All.hgnc.sif

Load Matrix data

curl -O
gunzip HiSeqV2.gz
python $GOPATH/src/ HiSeqV2

Load clinical information

curl -O
gunzip BRCA_clinicalMatrix.gz
python $GOPATH/src/ BRCA_clinicalMatrix

Python Query: Open Connection

import aql
conn = aql.Connection("http://localhost:8201")
O = conn.graph("test-data")

Print out expression data of all Stage IIA samples

for row in O.query().V().hasLabel("Sample").has("pathologic_stage", "Stage IIA").outgoing("has").hasLabel("Data:expression").outgoingBundle("value"):
  print row

GraphQL Example

./bin/arachne example

Get Types:

query {Human(id:"1000"){name,friend{name}}}