- Python
- pip
- Selenium/WebDriver
- nosetests & nose-html-reporting
- Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE)
- Respective Browser drivers
- Pycharm
Test scripts can be executed by nosetests:
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture <test-script.py>
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture checkbox_page_test.py
Execute different group of test:
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture -a group= <test-script.py>
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture group=smoke all_tests.py
Get Test-reports:
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture --with-html --html-report= <test-script.py>
nosetests -s -v --nologcapture --with-html --html-report=test_report.html checkbox_page_test.py
Note: Kindly set the respective browser's driver path either to System variable or update it in drivermanager.py
e.g: self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path="geckodriver path") # in case of Firefox browser.