Release 3.5.8
- Remoting module has kept the same timeout,refer to issue270
- Consume queue offset will not repeated when state transition over
- Client will not throw exception when broker is down
- Fix ordering message deadlock problems
- Support max retry times in message deliver.context priority beyond consumer's.
- Remove channel isWriteable check
- Some performance improvement
Release 3.4.6
- Repair HA thread resource leak bug when using telnet
- Repair negative offset problem
- Update netty to 4.0.29 version
- Refactor message store module
- Replace native CRC alrightom with PureJavaCrc,thanks@dltc
- Optimize server network layer protocol.supports a variety of connected clients in a different way.
- Improve performance dramatically when message accumulation occur
- Add timeout parameter when invoking the command to query broker accumulation info
- Remove some useless tool class
- Add apache license Notice file
- From 3.4.6 version, we strongly recommend guys to use the above SDKs. 100% compatible with RocketMQ native SDK.
- Nowadays, we have opened Java SDK source,you can get it from maven repository.we will continue to open C++ and .Net sources in the near future.