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Concourse Pipeline (Cloud Foundry)

In this chapter, we assume that you deploy your application to Cloud Foundry PaaS.

The Spring Cloud Pipelines repository contains opinionated Concourse pipeline definitions. Those jobs form an empty pipeline and an opinionated sample pipeline one that you can use in your company.

There following projects take part in the microservice setup for this demo.

  • Github Analytics: The app that has a REST endpoint and uses messaging — part of our business application.

  • Github Webhook: Project that emits messages that are used by Github Analytics — part of our business application.

  • Eureka: Simple Eureka Server. This is an infrastructure application.

  • Github Analytics Stub Runner Boot: Stub Runner Boot server to be used for tests with Github Analytics and uses Eureka and Messaging. This is an infrastructure application.


If you want only to run the demo as far as possible by using PCF Dev and Docker Compose, do the following:

Fork Repositories

Four applications compose the pipeline

You need to fork only the following repositories, because only then can you tag and push the tag to the repository:

Start Concourse and Artifactory

You can run Concourse + Artifactory locally. To do so, run the script from this repository. The following listing shows the script:

git clone
cd spring-cloud-pipelines/concourse

The script should be run only once, to allow generation of keys.

The param is an example of an external URL of Concourse (equal to the Docker-Machine IP in this example).

Then Concourse runs on port 8080, and Artifactory runs on 8081.

Deploy the infra JARs to Artifactory

When Artifactory is running, run the tools/ script from this repo. The following listing shows the script:

git clone
cd spring-cloud-pipelines/

As a result, both eureka and stub runner repos are cloned, built, and uploaded to Artifactory.

Start PCF Dev

You can skip this step if you have CF installed and do not want to use PCF Dev. The only thing you have to do is to set up spaces.
Servers often run run out of resources at the stage step. If that happens, clear some apps from PCF Dev and continue.

You have to download and start PCF Dev, as described here.

The default credentials for PCF Dev are as follows:

username: user
password: pass
email: user
org: pcfdev-org
space: pcfdev-space

You can start the PCF Dev as follows:

cf dev start

You must create three separate spaces, as follows:

cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation -u admin -p admin -o pcfdev-org

cf create-space pcfdev-test
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-test SpaceDeveloper
cf create-space pcfdev-stage
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-stage SpaceDeveloper
cf create-space pcfdev-prod
cf set-space-role user pcfdev-org pcfdev-prod SpaceDeveloper

You can also run the ./tools/ setup-spaces script to create the spaces.

Setup the fly CLI

If you go to the Concourse website, you should see something resembling the following image:

running concourse

You can click one of the icons (depending on your OS) to download fly, which is the Concourse CLI. Once you download that (and maybe, depending on your OS, add it to your PATH) you can run the following command:

fly --version

If fly is properly installed, it should print out the version.

Set up Your credentials.yml File

The repository comes with credentials-sample-cf.yml, which is set up with sample data (mostly credentials) that are applicable for PCF Dev. Copy this file to a new file called credentials.yml (the file is added to .gitignore so that you cannot push it with your passwords) and edit it as you wish. For our demo, set up the following:

  • app-url: URL pointing to your forked github-webhook repository.

  • github-private-key: Your private key to clone and tag GitHub repositorys.

  • repo-with-binaries: The IP is set to the defaults for Docker Machine. You should update it to point to your setup.

If you do not have a Docker Machine, run th ./ script to get an external IP that you can pass to your repo-with-binaries, instead of the default Docker Machine IP.

The following table describes the environment variables required by the scripts:

Property Name Property Description Default value


The URL to the CF Api for TEST env


The URL to the CF Api for STAGE env


The URL to the CF Api for PROD env


Name of the org for the test env



Prefix of the name of the CF space for the test env to which the app name will be appended



Name of the org for the stage env



Name of the space for the stage env



Name of the org for the prod env



Name of the space for the prod env



URL to repo with the deployed jars


The id of server from Maven settings.xml



Additional suffix for the route. In a shared environment the default routes can be already taken


Additional options you would like to pass to the Maven / Gradle build

The right column shows the default values for PCF Dev that we set in the credentials-sample-cf.yml. PAAS_HOSTNAME_UUID and BUILD_OPTIONS have no default values.

Build the Pipeline

Log in (for example, for a Concourse instance running at — if you do not provide any value, localhost is assumed). If you run the login script, it assumes that either fly is on your PATH or it is in the same folder as the script. The following example shows how to specify an IP address for the login script:


Next, run the command to create the pipeline, as follows:


Then you can create a github-webhook pipeline under the docker alias, using the provided credentials.yml file. You can override these values in exactly that order (for example ./ some-project another-target some-other-credentials.yml)

Run the github-webhook Pipeline

The following images show the various steps involved in running the github-webhook pipeline:


concourse login
Step 1: Click Login


concourse team main
Step 2: Pick main team


concourse user pass
Step 3: Log in with concourse user and changeme password


concourse pipeline
Step 4: Your screen should look more or less like this


start pipeline
Step 5: Unpause the pipeline by clicking in the top lefr corner and then clicking the play button


generate version
Step 6: Click 'generate-version'


run pipeline
Step 7: Click + sign to start a new build


concourse pending
Step 8: The job is pending


job running
Step 9: Job is pending in the main screen


running pipeline
Step 10: Job is running in the main screen

Concourse Pipeline (Kubernetes)

In this chapter, we assume that you deploy your application to Kubernetes PaaS

The Spring Cloud Pipelines repository contains opinionated Concourse pipeline definitions. Those jobs form an empty pipeline and an opinionated sample pipeline that you can use in your company.

The following projects take part in the microservice setup for this demo:

  • Github Analytics: The application that has a REST endpoint and uses messaging — part of our business application.

  • Github Webhook: Project that emits messages that are used by Github Analytics — part of our business application.

  • Eureka: Simple Eureka Server. This is an infrastructure application.

  • Github Analytics Stub Runner Boot: Stub Runner Boot server to be used for tests with Github Analytics and uses Eureka and Messaging. This is an infrastructure application.


If you want only to run the demo as far as possible by using PCF Dev and Docker Compose, do the following:

Fork Repositories

Four applications compose the pipeline:

You need to fork only the following repositories, because only then can you tag and push the tag to the repository:

Concourse in K8S (Kubernetes)

The simplest way to deploy Concourse to K8S is to use Helm. Once you have Helm installed and your kubectl is pointing to the cluster, run the following command to install the Concourse cluster in your K8S cluster:

$ helm install stable/concourse --name concourse

Once the script is done, you should see the following output

1. Concourse can be accessed:

  * Within your cluster, at the following DNS name at port 8080:


  * From outside the cluster, run these commands in the same shell:

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=concourse-web" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    echo "Visit to use Concourse"
    kubectl port-forward --namespace default $POD_NAME 8080:8080

2. Login with the following credentials

  Username: concourse
  Password: concourse

Follow the steps and log in to Concourse under

Deploying Artifactory to K8S

You can use Helm also to deploy Artifactory to K8S, as follows:

$ helm install --name artifactory --set stable/artifactory

After you run this command, you should see the following output:

Congratulations. You have just deployed JFrog Artifactory Pro!

1. Get the Artifactory URL by running these commands:

   NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
         You can watch the status of the service by running 'kubectl get svc -w nginx'
   export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default nginx -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
   echo http://$SERVICE_IP/

2. Open Artifactory in your browser
   Default credential for Artifactory:
   user: admin
   password: password

Next, you need to set up the repositories.

First, access the Artifactory URL and log in with a user name of admin and a password of password.

artifactory quick setup
Figure 1. Click on Quick Setup

Then, click on Maven setup and click Create.

artifactory maven repo
Figure 2. Create the Maven Repository

Setup the fly CLI

If you go to the Concourse website you should see something resembling the following:

running concourse

You can click one of the icons (depending on your OS) to download fly, which is the Concourse CLI. Once you download that (and maybe added it to your PATH, depending on your OS) you can run the following command:

fly --version

If fly is properly installed, it should print out the version.

Setup your credentials.yml

We made a sample credentials file called credentials-sample-k8s.yml prepared for k8s. You can use it as a base for your credentials.yml.

To allow the Concourse worker’s spawned container to connect to the Kubernetes cluster, you must pass the CA contents and the auth token.

To get the contents of CA for GCE, run the following command:

$ kubectl get secret $(kubectl get secret | grep default-token | awk '{print $1}') -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode

To get the auth token, run the following command:

$ kubectl get secret $(kubectl get secret | grep default-token | awk '{print $1}') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode

Set that value under paas-test-client-token, paas-stage-client-token, and paas-prod-client-token

Build the pipeline

After running Concourse, you should get the following output in your terminal:

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app=concourse-web" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
$ echo "Visit to use Concourse"
$ kubectl port-forward --namespace default $POD_NAME 8080:8080
Visit to use Concourse

Log in (for example, for Concourse running at — if you do not provide any value, localhost is assumed). If you run this script, it assumes that either fly is on your PATH or that it is in the same folder as the script:

$ fly -t k8s login -c http://localhost:8080 -u concourse -p concourse

Next, run the following command to create the pipeline:

$ ./ github-webhook k8s credentials-k8s.yml

Run the github-webhook Pipeline

The following images show the various steps involved in runnig the github-webhook pipeline:


concourse login
Step 1: Click Login


concourse team main
Step 2: Pick main team


concourse user pass
Step 3: Log in with concourse user and concourse password


concourse pipeline
Step 4: Your screen should look more or less like this


start pipeline
Step 5: Unpause the pipeline by clicking in the top lefr corner and then clicking the play button


generate version
Step 6: Click 'generate-version'


run pipeline
Step 7: Click + sign to start a new build


concourse pending
Step 8: The job is pending


job running
Step 9: Job is pending in the main screen


running pipeline
Step 10: Job is running in the main screen