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Open Location Code Grid Overlay Server

This code provides a Go server to handle Tile Map Service requests. It is able to respond with GeoJSON or image tiles, either of which can be added as an overlay to a map.


  1. This server does not implement any GetCapabilities methods.
  2. A fixed image tile size of 256x256 pixels is used.

Tile Requests

The server responds to tile requests. These send a zoom level, and x and y tile numbers. The request URL determines whether the response should be GeoJSON or an image.

The format of the requests is:

  • tilespec must be either wms or tms. The only difference in these is that the Y tiles are numbered from north to south (wms) or from south to north (tms).
  • format must be either json for a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, or png for a PNG image tile.
  • The optional parameters are:
    • linecol: this defines the RGBA colour to use for lines in the PNG tiles.
    • labelcol: this defines the RGBA colour to use for the labels in the PNG tiles.
    • zoomadjust: this is added to the map zoom value, to cause the returned grid to be finer or coarser. This affects both GeoJSON and image tiles.
    • projection: this can be used to change the map projection from the default, spherical mercator, to geodetic. Valid values are:
      • mercator or epsg:3857: selects spherical mercator (default)
      • geodetic or epsg:4326: selects geodetic projection

An example request could be:


Start the server with:

go run tile_server/main.go

Review example.html for how to integrate the tile server with Openlayers, Leaflet or Google Maps API.

var imageMap = new ol.Map({
  target: 'imagemap',
  layers: [
    new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.OSM()
    new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.XYZ({
        attributions: ' grid</a>',
        url: 'http://localhost:8080/grid/tms/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
  view: new ol.View({
    center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([8.54, 47.5]),
    zoom: 4

Tile Details

The labels on the image tiles use the Go font goregular. The grid lines are black, the text uses black with half-opacity, but these can be changed.

The GeoJSON responses consist of a FeatureCollection, consisting of one Feature for each OLC grid cell that overlaps the tile. The Feature consists of a polygon geometry, and a number of properties.

All features have the name and global_code properties. area_code and local_code properties are only populated if the code has more than 10 digits. Examples:

global_code name area_code local_code
8F000000+ 8F n/a n/a
C2M2GVC7+ C2M2GVC7 n/a n/a

An example of the GeoJSON output for one feature is:

            [-179.13587500002043, 83.52224999589674],
            [-179.13587500002043, 83.52237499589674],
            [-179.13575000002044, 83.52237499589674],
            [-179.13575000002044, 83.52224999589674]

Image Tile Grid

If the grid size is large enough, then the next detail level is also drawn. This uses the same colour as the label but with the alpha channel reduced.

Server Options

The server will listen on port 8080. You can change this with the --port flag.

You can turn on logging with the --logtostderr flag.


The projection code has some tests to confirm that coordinates are correctly processed. You can run the tests with:

go test ./tile_server/gridserver -v --logtostderr


The following other projects need to be installed:

GeoJSON provides the definition for the GeoJSON response objects. Install with:

go get

Freetype is used for the labels in the PNG tiles. Install with:

$ go get

Open Location Code generates the codes for the labels. Install with:

go get

Glog provides the logging. Install with:

go get