This library communicates with uBlox GNSS receivers using the UBX protocol and is built for use with the Arduino IDE.
uBlox produces standard and high precision GPS receivers. These receivers feature high sensitivity, minimal acquisition times, and small form factors. UBX is a uBlox binary format for efficiently retrieving data from the receiver.
Simply clone or download and extract the zipped library into your Arduino/libraries folder. The library is added as:
#include "ublox.h"
The GNSS receiver must be configured in the uBlox u-center application prior to use. Currently, this library only receives and parses data, it does not support configuration. The following packets must be enabled on the receiver:
- UBX-NAV-PVT: this packet transmits standard accuracy position, velocity, and timing data.
- UBX-NAV-EOE: this packet marks the end of the navigation epoch.
Optionally, if it's available, the following packet should also be enabled to use higher precision navigation:
- UBX-NAV-HPPOSLLH: this packet transmits high accuracy position data.
You can also use u-center to configure the navigation solution and transmission rate, the baud rate for the serial interface, expected operation environment (i.e. stationary, airborne, etc), and any corrections (RTK or CORS network).
Ublox(HardwareSerial* bus) Creates a Ublox object. This constructor is used for the serial communication interface and a pointer to the serial bus object is passed to the constructor.
Ublox ubx(&Serial1);
bool Begin(uint32_t baud) Establishes communication with the GNSS receiver. Returns true on successfully receiving data, otherwise, returns false.
bool status = ubx.Begin(921600);
bool Read() Checks for GNSS packets and returns true on receiving data.
if (ubx.Read()) {
// good GNSS data received
The most recent valid packet is stored in the UBLOX object. Data fields can be retrieved using the following functions.
uint32_t tow_ms() GNSS time of week of the navigation solution, ms
uint16_t year() UTC year
uint8_t month() UTC month
uint8_t day() UTC day
uint8_t hour() UTC hour
uint8_t min() UTC minute
uint8_t sec() UTC second
int32_t nano_sec() UTC nano second
FixType fix() The current GNSS receiver fix. The following enum describes the fix type:
Fix Type | Enum Value |
No fix | FIX_NONE |
Dead reckoning only | FIX_DEAD_RECKONING_ONLY |
2D | FIX_2D |
3D | FIX_3D |
GNSS and dead reckoning | FIX_GNSS_DEAD_RECKONING |
Time only | FIX_TIME_ONLY |
Note that dead reckoning is only supported on dead-reckoning capable receivers.
uint8_t num_satellites() The number of satellites used in the navigation solution
Eigen::Vector3d lla_wgs84_rad_m() Latitude (rad), longitude (rad), and altitude above the WGS-84 ellipsoid (m) returned as an Eigen::Vector object
Eigen::Vector3d lla_msl_rad_m() Latitude (rad), longitude (rad), and altitude above MSL (m) returned as an Eigen::Vector object
double lat_rad() Latitude, rad
double lon_rad() Longitude, rad
float alt_wgs84_m() Altitude above the WGS-84 ellipsoid, m
float alt_msl_m() Altitude above MSL, m
Eigen::Vector3f ned_velocity_mps() North, east, down velocity returned as an Eigen::Vector object, m/s
float north_velocity_mps() North velocity, m/s
float east_velocity_mps() East velocity, m/s
float down_velocity_mps() Down velocity, m/s
float ground_speed_mps() Ground speed, m/s
float ground_track_rad() Ground track, rad
uint32_t time_accuracy_ns() Accuracy of the time solution, ns
float horizontal_accuracy_m() Horizontal position accuracy, m
float vertical_accuracy_m() Vertical position accuracy, m
float velocity_accuracy_mps() Velocity accuracy, m/s
float track_accuracy_rad() Ground track accuracy, rad
bool valid_time_and_date() Whether the date and time data is valid
bool valid_gnss_fix() Whether the GNSS data is valid