BoochTek, LLC
- Long Beach, CA, USA
- http://craigbuchek.com
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Lists (1)
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Replaces mini_record-compat. Define table structure (columns and indexes) inside your ActiveRecord models like you can do in migrations.
unitio-org / apn_on_rails
Forked from asynchrony/apn_on_railsApple Push Notifications on Rails
booch / plucky
Forked from mongomapper/pluckyThin layer over the ruby driver that allows you to quickly grab hold of your data.
A version of the RailsWizard gem with custom recipes for Rails starter apps.
booch / capybara
Forked from teamcapybara/capybaraAcceptance test framework for web applications
booch / Touchy.js
Forked from jairajs89/Touchy.jsA simple light-weight JavaScript library for dealing with touch events
booch / rspec-mocks
Forked from rspec/rspec-mocksRspec-2 doubles (mocks and stubs)
booch / ruby-units
Forked from olbrich/ruby-unitsA unit handling library for ruby
booch / mongoid
Forked from mongodb/mongoidRuby ODM framework for MongoDB
booch / rspec-spies
Forked from technicalpickles/rspec-spiestest spies, for rspec (updated to work with RSpec 2)
Rails 3 Client Side Validations
booch / jasmine-jquery
Forked from velesin/jasmine-jqueryjQuery matchers and fixture loader for Jasmine framework
booch / html5support
Forked from amiel/html5supportSupport certain HTML 5 attributes with javascript, but only if the browser doesn't already support them.
booch / alchemist
Forked from halogenandtoast/alchemistRuby conversions like you've never seen them before
booch / show_for
Forked from heartcombo/show_forWrap your objects with a helper to easily show them
booch / simple_form
Forked from heartcombo/simple_formForms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
activefx / rails-footnotes
Forked from henrik/rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that link give request information and link back to your source via TextMate [extracted from Rails TextMate bundle project]
foca / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityDon't mind this, go to http://github.com/integrity/integrity
nkallen / screw-unit
Forked from nathansobo/screw-unitA Javascript BDD Framework with nested describes, a convenient assertion syntax, and an intuitive test browser.