Pages contain content, but they also contain Extra Information about the content. Extra Information includes stuff like the title of the page, name and menu information for the page, the path to render the page out to, etc.
Extra Info can be defined as follows:
In Markdown documents, Extra Info can appear at the top of the page:
title: I like wombats
menu: Wombats
This is a page about wombats… but the extra info above will not
appear on the page
Markdown documents can also use Refs for extra info. The advantage to using refs is that if you're using an editor with preview, the extra info will not appear. Here's an example:
[title: I like wombats]:/
[menu: Wombats]: /
This is a page about wombats… but the extra info above will not
appear on the page
In HTML documents, Extra Info can appear at the top of the page:
title: I like wombats
menu: Wombats
<p>Wombats are creatures that are much maligned in computer documentation.</div>
In XML documents, Extra Info appears in <tag>
<cms path="/community" serve="true" type="html" locale="en_US" host="">
<tag name="name" value="community"/>
<tag name="menu" value="Community"/>
<tag name="order" value="5"/>
<p>Wombats are creatures that are much maligned in computer documentation.</div>
In Word and RTF documents, Extra Info is stored as document properties.
Available Extra Info:
Marks the current page as the default template to use -- FIXME
The template to use for the page. default
is the default template except for
blog posts which default to the post
template. -- FIXME
The path to save the resulting file into. -- FIME
if you do not want the page served. -- FIXME
The date that the page is valid from. The page will not be rendered
before the valid_from
date. If the valid_from
date is in the future,
Telegram will schedule a rendering of the site within 15 minutes after the
For example:
valid_from: 2012-07-19 16:30
The page will not be displayed/rendered until 4:30PM on July 19, 2012. The time zone is based on the time zone of the user who owns the site.
The date that the page is valid until. The page will not be rendered
after the valid_to
date. If the valid_to
date is in the future,
Telegram will schedule a rendering of the site within 15 minutes after the
For example:
valid_to: 2012-08-19 16:30
The page will be displayed/rendered until 4:30PM on August 19, 2012. The time zone is based on the time zone of the user who owns the site.
Conditionally show or hide the page based on other extra info values. For example, show the "Blog Archive" page if there are blog posts:
show-if: has_blog
A global extra info that defines the way to format dates for display on Telegram site. Dates will have the time zone of the site owner and the locale of the site owner. For example:
date-format: dd MMMM, yy
More information on how to define the date format can be found in the Joda Time documentation.
The title of the page. --FIXME Prepend
The menu name of the page -- FIXME
The menu order -- FIXME
The menu location group -- FIXME
The menu icon CSS -- FIXME
The menu icon placement -- FIXME
The global URL of the site -- FIXME
The type of the page -- FIXME
The URL of the Git repository that has the template for this site. Global param. -- FIXME
The title of the site. Global. -- FIXME
Is the page a blog post? If so:
post: true
Also, if the page is located in the _posts
directory, it will be considered
a blog post. -- FIXME
Is the page an event? FIXME
What's the category of the page? -- FIXME
What layout do we use? -- FIXME
The date of the blog post. -- FIXME
The site-wide root for all blog posts. -- FIXME
Does the site have blog posts? -- FIXME
Tags for a page:
tag: {foo, bar, baz}
The site wide name of the authors of blog posts. Used for RSS feed generation. FIXME
The author of a blog post for RSS feed purposes. FIXME
Used for faux-pages that are menu items. The page is not actually rendered, but it does have a menu item that points to an external site:
name: source
menu: Source
order: 8
<div>Nothing to see here</div>
Create aliases to this page. Useful if you're migrating your blog from another service to Telegram:
title: My Blog Post
alias: /posts/my_blog_post.html
alias: /posts/my_blog_post
path: /my_post
date: 2012-07-20
Here's my blog post
On Telegram, the blog post will have the URL /my_post
, but the page will also be
served for requests to /posts/my_blog_post.html
and /posts/my_blog_post
A site-wide Extra Info parameter. By default, if there are any pages
marked as blog posts, Telegram will generate a synthetic rss.xml
and insert <link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" href="/rss.xml">
in the <head>
of every page.
By setting:
no_synthetic_rss_file: true
The synthetic RSS feed will not be generated.
A list of all <h*>
tags found at the top level of the content of the page. -- FIXME
For a single <h*>
tag, what's the level? -- FIXME
For a single <h*>
tag, what's the id? -- FIXME
For a single <h*>
tag, what's the body? -- FIXME