🐠 The missing Sublime Text 3 package for Mermaid.
Install Mermaid from Package Control.
- Flow diagram support, with caveats:
- Inline node definition isn't supported, plus it does not scale well.
isn't supported, sinceclass
(CSS) support is easier.
graph TB %% tab completion: 'graph'
ID-1[Node 1] %% tab completion: 'node'
ID-2>Node 2]
ID-3(Node 3)
ID-1---ID-2 %% tab completion: 'link'
ID-1 --> ID-3
ID-2--Link between 2 and 3---ID-3
ID-3-->|Action from 3 to 1|ID-1
ID-3 -- Action from 3 to 2 --> ID-2
%% tab completion: 'class'
classDef blue fill:#08f,stroke:#fff
class ID-1 blue
%% tab completion: 'click'
click ID-1 "https://github.com" "Tooltip text"
click ID-2 alert "Tooltip for a callback"
subgraph A subgraph
ID-4{Node 4}
ID-6["Node 6 (same #quot;shape#quot;)"]
ID-5 -. Action from 5 to 4 .-> ID-4
ID-6 == Action from 6 to 5 ==> ID-5
end %% tab completion: 'subgraph'
- Sequence diagram support
sequenceDiagram %% tab completion: 'diagram'
participant A as Alice %% tab completion: 'participant'
participant B as Bob
participant C as Carol
Note left of A: Alice likes to chat %% tab completion: 'note'
A->B: Hello Bob, how are you? %% tab completion: 'msg'
loop Healthcheck
B->B: Bob checks himself...
end %% tab completion: 'loop'
Note over B: Bob whispers when sick
alt is sick
B-->A: Not so good :(
else is well
B->A: Feeling fresh like a daisy
end %% tab completion: 'alt'
opt Extra response
B->A: You, Alice?
end %% tab completion: 'opt'
Note right of C: Carol is the boss
C->>A: Get back to work!
loop Every hour
A->>B: Request 1
activate B %% tab completion: 'activate'
A-x+B: Request 2
B--x-A: Response 2
B-->>A: Response 1
deactivate B
Preview in browser
- From the Command Palette:
Mermaid: View In Browser
- Defaults to the entire file, unless there is a selection.
- From the Command Palette:
Exporting, with caveats:
- PNG conversion from SVG conflicts with opening file-URL's, so it's a link.
- Converted SVG may be missing some styling.
- Gantt diagram support
- Windows support
- Linux support
# Remove package.
$ my_project_path=~/Projects/sublime-mermaid
$ my_packages_path=~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
$ ln -s "$my_project_path" "$my_packages_path/Mermaid"
$ cp "$my_project_path/tests/syntax_test_mermaid.mermaid" "$my_packages_path/Default"
# Develop...
$ rm "$my_packages_path/Default/syntax_test_mermaid.mermaid"
$ rm "$my_packages_path/Mermaid"
# Install package.