Jackson is a pretty simple discord bot made by Crenshaw#1312
By no means should this bot be regarded as stable
Jackson is the name of the kid in my profile picture. Jackson like facts and information, and this works with the bot rather well since it primarily job get information off the web
The big imaginary cat's name is Crenshaw. Crenshaw is always there for Jackson as he goes through homlessness
Their favourite candies are purple jelly beans, so I made a simple jelly bean system to give other people jelly beans
You'll see there's a lot, and I like giveing credit to those who help me since it means a lot to me when someone spends their time helping you or makin your day better
- WaterNinja101#2093
- Teaching me
- Letting me on the Truth or Dare Bot team
- The api used for the
, andwyr
- Devnote#0745 and Radeon team
- Teaching me js
- Setting up my bot
- Using Github
- Specky#6281 and Joe_#001
- Helping me with git
- Teaching me about caches
- Waifu npm (Specky)
- WickedWizard
- Showing me how to prep cooldown system
- mangowhite#0001
- Jackson's profile picture
You can go into the commands file for a complete list of the commands
Almost all commands can be run in DMs, and are easy to configure if you want to change the cooldown
Just a a basic reputation system where you can give, take, set, and view other people's jelly bean count
There are tons of animals commands like koalafact
and fox
, then there are also music commands like lyrics
There's only kick
and ban
as of now, but in the future look out for mute
, unban
and some more
There are commands that only the owner of the bot can run, Crenshaw#1312, and then some information commands like about
and help
- Create a discord bot application
- Clone, or download, this repo
- Make and enter data into config folder and file (more below)
- Install all dependancies
- run
node .
- Make a folder called config
- In that folder, make a file called config.js
- paste the code below into config.js
module.exports = {
token: "",
prefix: "",
youtubeToken: "",
geniusToken: "",
jellybeans: {
maxGive: 3,
maxTake: 1,
delayGive: 30,
delayTake: 30,
mongoPath: "mongodb://localhost:27017/Jackson-Bot"
- Insert your tokens
are not required, but allow more commands to run.
Everything in
are the defaults, the can be edited withjbsets
(per guild)
is required, but you can change the prefix with theprefix
command (perguild)
- name: The command name, no spaces allowed
- description: Description of the command
- usage: how to use the command
- Must start with the command name
- Put the argument in
if optional - Put the arguement in
if required
- DM: If the command can be ran in DMs
= cannot run in DMstrue
= can run in DMs
- cooldown: the type and cooldown time for a command
- type: either "db" or "map"
- db: cooldown will not be lost on bot reset
- map: cooldown will be lost on reset
Only map is supported for now, and is preffered to try and limit db usage and to keep the bot quick
- time: time in seconds of cooldown duration
- type: either "db" or "map"
- aliases: an array of strings that can also trigger the command
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: "ping",
description: "Show the websocket ping in milliseconds",
usage: "ping",
groups: ["information"],
DM: true,
cooldown: {type: "map", time: 0},
aliases: ["pong", "p"],
run: async (client, message, args) => {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`Websocket ${client.ws.ping}ms`);
return message.reply(embed);
As you'll see all the responses are in an embed with the hex code 0x4B0082
(indigo), please keep this in your command
return client.err(message, "Command name titled", "Reason for error");
Dumb Jackson thing of the day: I spent 2 hours on the otter command and only 1 and a half on the entire cooldown system