Contains the basic services that are used throughout Sakai.
All the kernel's services API / SPI are located here
Contains the implementations to the kernel's API and their associated spring wiring:
- Alias implementation | components.xml
- Antivirus implementation | components.xml
- Authz implementation | components.xml
- Cluster implementation | components.xml
- Component implementation | components.xml
- Conditions implementation | components.xml
- ConfigStore implementation | components.xml
- Content implementation | components.xml
- DB implementation | components.xml
- Email implementation | components.xml
- Entity implementation | components.xml
- Event implementation | components.xml
- Ignite implementation | components.xml
- Memory implementation | components.xml
- MessageBundle implementation | components.xml
- Messaging implementation | components.xml
- Site implementation | components.xml
- Tasks implementation | components.xml
- Time implementation | components.xml
- Tool implementation | components.xml
- User implementation | components.xml
- Util implementation | components.xml
Responsible for configuring and wiring the implementations of the services. Spring is used to create the Sakai Application Context which is the parent Spring context used in Sakai.
Contains common utility classes that are used throughout Sakai, one such example is FormattedText.
Contains utilities that are specific to the kernel, and it's operation such as Hibernate and Spring utility classes.
Contains storage/persistence classes that are used by traditional Sakai services. Much of the newer services use Hibernate for persistence and has replaced the need for these.