your-first-lines-of-js Public
Forked from stevekinney/your-first-lines-of-jsA visual and interactive tutorial for learning JavaScript.
CSS Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJun 9, 2016 -
gdi-new-site Public
Forked from girldevelopit/gdi-websiteThis is the repository for the Girl Develop It website re-design.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 9, 2015 -
coffeescript-koans Public
Forked from sleepyfox/coffeescript-koansKoans: learn CoffeeScript by doing it
turing-blog Public
Forked from daksis/turing-blogBlog for the Turing School of Software and Design
CSS UpdatedAug 19, 2014 -
curriculum Public
Forked from turingschool/curriculumAll of Jumpstart Lab's tutorials and curriculum that we teach.
nooblife Public
Personal blog with experiences from gSchool and general noob musings.
CSS UpdatedMay 10, 2014 -
exercism.io Public
Forked from exercism/exercismExercises with crowd-sourced code reviews.
fourthmeal Public
Forked from bwinterling/fourthmealFourth Meal builds on an existing Dinner Dash project, turning it from a single restaurant to a platform for multiple restaurants.
scrabble-intermediate Public
Scrabble exercise for second assessment in school.
Ruby UpdatedDec 5, 2013 -
clone_wars Public
Forked from rolentle/clone_warsRepo for clone wars project. http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/clone_wars.html
event_manager Public
gSchool - Week 0: An introduction to Ruby for new programmers doing "Extract-Translate-Load" operations against a large dataset.
encryptor Public
gSchool - Week 0: Introductory project building a rotation-based encryption/decryption program.