This project demonstrates various approaches to compiling functions to closures in a simply typed lambda calculus.
- Closure conversion: this translation makes implicit variable captures explicit by translating anonymous functions into closures that contain the code of the original function and an environment of the captured variables.
- Lambda lifting: this translation lifts functions to top level bindings, cutting down on the number of closures needed.
Two implementations of closure conversion are provided: one between nameless, de Bruijn indexed terms, the other between alpha-renamed terms.
│ Lang.Fun │
│ │
Translation.Fun_to_clos Translation.Fun_to_fun_a
│ │
▼ ▼
┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│ Lang.Clos │ │ Lang.Fun_a │
└───────────┘ └───────────┘
│ │
Translation.Fun_a_to_clos_a Translation.Fun_a_to_lifted_a
│ │
▼ ▼
┌────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐
│ Lang.Clos_a │ │ Lang.Lifted_a │
└────────────┘ └──────────────┘
Language | Description |
Lang.Fun |
Simply typed lambda calculus |
Lang.Fun_a |
Simply typed lambda calculus (alpha-renamed) |
Lang.Clos |
Closure converted functional language |
Lang.Clos_a |
Closure converted functional language (alpha-renamed) |
Lang.Lifted_a |
Lambda lifted functional language (alpha-renamed) |
Translation | Source | Target | Description | ||
Translation.Fun_to_clos |
: | Lang.Fun |
→ | Lang.Clos |
Closure conversion |
Translation.Fun_to_fun_a |
: | Lang.Fun |
→ | Lang.Fun_a |
Alpha renaming |
Translation.Fun_a_to_clos_a |
: | Lang.Fun_a |
→ | Lang.Clos_a |
Closure conversion (alpha renamed) |
Translation.Fun_a_to_lifted_a |
: | Lang.Fun_a |
→ | Lang.Lifted_a |
Lambda lifting (alpha renamed) |
An evaluator and type checker is implemented for each intermediate language. Every translation pass should produce well-typed programs in the target language.
Source term:
let a : Int := 2;
let b : Int := 5;
let f : Int -> Int -> Int :=
fun (x : Int) => fun (y : Int) =>
a * x + b * y;
f 7 3
Closure converted term:
let a : Int := 2;
let b : Int := 5;
let f : Int -> Int -> Int :=
fun (env : (Int, Int)) (x : Int) =>
fun (env : (Int, Int, Int)) (y : Int) =>
#add (#mul env.0 env.2) (#mul env.1 y),
(env.0, env.1, x)
(a, b)
f 7 3
Lambda lifted term:
def anon0↑ (env4 : (Int, Int, Int)) (y5 : Int) :=
#add (#mul env4.0 env4.2) (#mul env4.1 y5);
def f1↑ (env2 : (Int, Int)) (x3 : Int) :=
clos(anon0↑, (env2.0, env2.1, x3));
let a0 : Int := 2;
let b1 : Int := 5;
f1↑ (a0, b1) 7 3
- “Typed closure conversion”
- “A type-preserving closure conversion in haskell”
- Closure conversion on nameless terms
- Avoid shifting during translation with de Bruijn levels
- Alpha renaming translation
- Closure conversion on alpha renamed terms
- Lambda lifting
- Parameter list flattening
- Recursive functions
- Promote tests for all targets
- Property based tests
- Dependently typed closure conversion. See:
- “Typed closure conversion for the calculus of constructions”
- “Compiling with Dependent Types”