Always learning!
Software Engineer - React, NextJS, Wordpress, HTML, CSS, Node, Express, SQL, RDBMS
- Salem, Oregon
formikExample Public
React app using Formik and Yup for form & input validation
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
PizzaShop Public
React app for online pizza orders. Stack: Node, Firebase, Styled Components, React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
react-dungeon-crawler-game Public
dungeon crawler game using react and redux
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
react-musicplayer-usecontext Public
Example of using useContext for state management
JavaScript UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
avengers Public
Example of using React Router to perform client side routing
JavaScript UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
useeffect_axios Public
repo to show how to use useEffect to perform an axios call to an api
HTML UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
Sprint-Challenge--Hash-BC Public
Sprint Challenge for Hash tables and Blockchain
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
LightsOut Public
React game demonstrating state use with parents and children classes
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 1, 2022 -