A simple app to find a nearby public restroom.
This product gives any person who has biological needs in an unknown environment the ability to find the nearest, cleanest, most convenient facility.
The Secret Toilets of SF is the premiere toilet finding service. Toilet afficionados will use TSTSF not only to find the spot for their nearest dump, but also to track amenities such as space, ambiance, baby changing stations, blade dryers, cleanliness, quality, and legality.
The inability to find public restrooms nearby of a sufficiently reasonable quality.
TSTSF elegantly solves the problem by crowd sourcing public restroom data and aggregating it to users based on their location and preference.
"TSTSF gives you peace of mind so that you can venture into the urban unknown confident that a 'facility' is only a tap away."
Users are presented with a list of nearby facilities sorted based on their preferences and by distance. From there they can tap the desired facility to get both map and verbal directions on how to find the restroom from there. (There well be a map view that shows the same list as pins on a map)
"Their toilets are your toilets." -Mylani
That's all folks. Check us out at https://github.com/amuse-rutabega/thesecrettoiletsofsf