Template for Electron projects with React
Zonix is a command line interface integrated with the OpenAI artificial intelligence API to help you with your tasks quickly and easily.
Ready-to-use components in stores.
The galactus-hook library has a collection of ready-to-use hooks that will help you with your project tasks.
Rest API for product registration.
Event platform powered by ReactJS and GraphQL at Ignite Lab.
Boilerplate for creating projects with the following configurations: NextJS, ReactJS, TypeScript, Prettier with ESLlint, EditorConfig, Husk, Jest, React Testing Library and Styled Components.
Get A Pet is a fullstack application, where the user registers to adopt a pet, and even register their pets available for adoption.
This project is about the Discord interface clone.
Podcastr is an application for listening to podcasts about programming.
Clone do site Netflix feito com ReactJS
Encurtador de URL feito com React Native
Calculadora com tema light e dark feita com React Native.