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File metadata and controls

811 lines (587 loc) · 33.2 KB


   yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager


   yadm command [options]

   yadm git-command-or-alias [options]

   yadm init [-f] [-w dir]

   yadm clone url [-f] [-w dir] [-b branch] [--bootstrap] [--no-bootstrap]

   yadm config name [value]

   yadm config [-e]

   yadm list [-a]

   yadm bootstrap

   yadm encrypt

   yadm decrypt [-l]

   yadm alt

   yadm perms

   yadm enter [ command ]

   yadm git-crypt [ options ]

   yadm transcrypt [ options ]

   yadm upgrade [-f]

   yadm introspect category


   yadm is a tool for managing a collection of files across multiple  com-
   puters,  using  a  shared Git repository.  In addition, yadm provides a
   feature to select alternate versions of files for  particular  systems.
   Lastly,  yadm  supplies the ability to manage a subset of secure files,
   which are encrypted before they are included in the repository.


   git-command or git-alias
          Any command not internally handled by yadm is passed through  to
          git(1).   Git commands or aliases are invoked with the yadm man-
          aged repository.  The working directory for Git commands will be
          the configured work-tree (usually $HOME).

          Dotfiles  are  managed by using standard git commands; add, com-
          mit, push, pull, etc.

          The config command is not passed directly through.  Instead  use
          the gitconfig command (see below).

   alt    Create  symbolic  links  and  process  templates for any managed
          files matching the naming rules described in the ALTERNATES  and
          TEMPLATES  sections.  It is usually unnecessary to run this com-
          mand, as yadm automatically  processes  alternates  by  default.
          This  automatic behavior can be disabled by setting the configu-
          ration to "false".

          Execute $HOME/.config/yadm/bootstrap if it exists.

   clone url
          Clone a remote repository for tracking dotfiles.  After the con-
          tents  of  the remote repository have been fetched, a "merge" of
          the remote HEAD branch is attempted.  If there  are  conflicting
          files already present in the work-tree, this merge will fail and
          instead a "reset" of the remote HEAD branch will be  done,  fol-
          lowed  by  a  "stash".  This "stash" operation will preserve the
          original data.

          You can review the stashed conflicts by running the command

                 yadm stash show -p

          from within your $HOME directory. If you  want  to  restore  the
          stashed data, you can run

                 yadm stash apply
                 yadm stash pop

          The  repository  is  stored in $HOME/.local/share/yadm/repo.git.
          By default, $HOME will be used as the work-tree, but this can be
          overridden  with the -w option.  yadm can be forced to overwrite
          an existing repository by providing the -f option.  If you  want
          to  use a branch other than the remote HEAD branch you can spec-
          ify it using the -b option.  By default yadm will ask  the  user
          if  the  bootstrap  program  should  be  run (if it exists). The
          options --bootstrap or  --no-bootstrap  will  either  force  the
          bootstrap  to  be  run,  or  prevent  it from being run, without
          prompting the user.

   config This command manages  configurations  for  yadm.   This  command
          works exactly the way git-config(1) does.  See the CONFIGURATION
          section for more details.

          Decrypt all  files  stored  in  $HOME/.local/share/yadm/archive.
          Files  decrypted  will  be  relative to the configured work-tree
          (usually $HOME).  Using the -l option will list the files stored
          without extracting them.

          Encrypt  all  files  matching  the patterns found in $HOME/.con-
          fig/yadm/encrypt.  See the ENCRYPTION section for more  details.

   enter  Run  a  sub-shell with all Git variables set. Exit the sub-shell
          the same way you leave  your  normal  shell  (usually  with  the
          "exit"  command).  This sub-shell can be used to easily interact
          with your yadm repository using "git" commands.  This  could  be
          useful  if you are using a tool which uses Git directly, such as
          tig, vim-fugitive, git-cola, etc.

          Optionally, you can provide a command after "enter", and instead
          of invoking your shell, that command will be run with all of the
          Git variables exposed to the command's environment.

          Emacs Tramp and Magit can manage files by using this  configura-

              (add-to-list 'tramp-methods
                     (tramp-login-program "yadm")
                     (tramp-login-args (("enter")))
                     (tramp-login-env (("SHELL") ("/bin/sh")))
                     (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh")
                     (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c"))))

          With this config, use (magit-status "/yadm::").

   git-crypt options
          If  git-crypt  is  installed,  this  command  allows you to pass
          options directly to git-crypt, with the  environment  configured
          to use the yadm repository.

          git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of files
          in a git repository.  You can read
          crypt for details.

          Pass  options to the git config command. Since yadm already uses
          the config command to manage its own configurations,  this  com-
          mand is provided as a way to change configurations of the repos-
          itory managed by yadm.  One useful case might  be  to  configure
          the  repository so untracked files are shown in status commands.
          yadm initially configures its repository so that untracked files
          are  not  shown.   If  you wish use the default Git behavior (to
          show untracked files and directories), you can remove this  con-

                 yadm gitconfig --unset status.showUntrackedFiles

   help   Print a summary of yadm commands.

   init   Initialize  a  new, empty repository for tracking dotfiles.  The
          repository is stored  in  $HOME/.local/share/yadm/repo.git.   By
          default,  $HOME  will  be used as the work-tree, but this can be
          overridden with the -w option.  yadm can be forced to  overwrite
          an existing repository by providing the -f option.

   list   Print a list of files managed by yadm.  The -a option will cause
          all managed files to be listed.  Otherwise, the list  will  only
          include files from the current directory or below.

   introspect category
          Report  internal  yadm  data. Supported categories are commands,
          configs, repo, and switches.  The purpose of introspection is to
          support command line completion.

   perms  Update  permissions as described in the PERMISSIONS section.  It
          is usually unnecessary to run this command,  as  yadm  automati-
          cally  processes permissions by default. This automatic behavior
          can be disabled by setting the configuration  to

   transcrypt options
          If  transcrypt  is  installed,  this  command allows you to pass
          options directly to transcrypt, with the environment  configured
          to use the yadm repository.

          transcrypt  enables  transparent  encryption  and  decryption of
          files    in    a    git    repository.      You     can     read
 for details.

          Version  3  of yadm uses a different directory for storing data.
          When you start to use version 3 for the first time, you may  see
          warnings about moving your data to this new directory.  The eas-
          iest way to accomplish this is by running "yadm upgrade".   This
          command  will  start  by  moving your yadm repo to the new path.
          Next it will move any archive data.  If the archive  is  tracked
          within your yadm repo, this command will "stage" the renaming of
          that file in the repo's index.

          Upgrading will attempt to de-initialize and  re-initialize  your
          submodules.  If  your  submodules  cannot be de-initialized, the
          upgrade will fail. The most common reason submodules  will  fail
          to  de-initialize  is  because they have local modifications. If
          you are willing to lose the local modifications to those submod-
          ules,  you  can  use the -f option with the "upgrade" command to
          force the de-initialization.

          After running "yadm upgrade", you should run  "yadm  status"  to
          review  changes  which have been staged, and commit them to your

          You can read for more infor-

          Print the version of yadm.


   yadm  supports a set of universal options that alter the paths it uses.
   The default paths are documented in the FILES section. Any path  speci-
   fied  by  these  options must be fully qualified. If you always want to
   override one or more of these paths, it may  be  useful  to  create  an
   alias  for the yadm command.  For example, the following alias could be
   used to override the repository directory.

          alias yadm='yadm --yadm-repo /alternate/path/to/repo'

   The following is the full  list  of  universal  options.   Each  option
   should be followed by a fully qualified path.

          Override  the  yadm  directory.   yadm stores its configurations
          relative to this directory.

          Override the yadm data directory.  yadm stores its data relative
          to this directory.

          Override the location of the yadm repository.

          Override the location of the yadm configuration file.

          Override the location of the yadm encryption configuration.

          Override the location of the yadm encrypted files archive.

          Override the location of the yadm bootstrap program.


   yadm  uses  a configuration file named $HOME/.config/yadm/config.  This
   file uses the same format as git-config(1).  Also, you can control  the
   contents  of  the configuration file via the yadm config command (which
   works exactly like git-config).  For example, to disable alternates you
   can run the command:

          yadm config false

   The following is the full list of supported configurations:

          If set to "true", alternate files will be copies instead of sym-
          bolic links.  This might be desirable, because some systems  may
          not properly support symlinks.
          Disable  the  automatic  linking described in the section ALTER-
          NATES. If disabled, you may still run  "yadm  alt"  manually  to
          create  the alternate links. This feature is enabled by default.
          Disable  the  automatic  exclusion  of   patterns   defined   in
          $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt.  This feature is enabled by default.
          Disable the automatic permission changes described in  the  sec-
          tion  PERMISSIONS.   If  disabled,  you may still run yadm perms
          manually to update permissions.   This  feature  is  enabled  by
          Disable  the automatic creating of private directories described
          in the section PERMISSIONS.

          Configure which encryption system is used by the encrypt/decrypt
          commands.  Valid options are "gpg" and "openssl". The default is
          "gpg".  Detailed information can be found in the section ENCRYP-

          Specify  an  alternate  program  to  use  instead  of "git".  By
          default, the first "git" found in $PATH is used.

          Disable the permission changes to $HOME/.gnupg/*.  This  feature
          is enabled by default.

          Specify  an  alternate  program  to  use  instead  of "gpg".  By
          default, the first "gpg" found in $PATH is used.

          Asymmetrically encrypt files with a gpg public/private key pair.
          Provide  a "key ID" to specify which public key to encrypt with.
          The key must exist in your public keyrings.  Multiple recipients
          can  be  specified  (separated  by space).  If left blank or not
          provided, symmetric encryption  is  used  instead.   If  set  to
          "ASK",  gpg  will  interactively  ask  for  recipients.  See the
          ENCRYPTION section for more details.  This feature  is  disabled
          by default.

          Specify  which  cipher should be used by openssl.  "aes-256-cbc"
          is used by default.

          Newer versions of openssl  support  the  pbkdf2  key  derivation
          function.  This is used by default. If this configuration is set
          to "true", openssl operations will use options  compatible  with
          older  versions  of openssl. If you change this option, you will
          need to recreate your encrypted archive.

          Specify an alternate program to use instead  of  "openssl".   By
          default, the first "openssl" found in $PATH is used.

          Disable the permission changes to $HOME/.ssh/*.  This feature is
          enabled by default.

   The following  four  "local"  configurations  are  not  stored  in  the
   $HOME/.config/yadm/config, they are stored in the local repository.

          Specify  a  class for the purpose of symlinking alternate files.
          By default, no class will be matched.

          Override the hostname for the purpose  of  symlinking  alternate

          Override the OS for the purpose of symlinking alternate files.

          Override the user for the purpose of symlinking alternate files.


   When managing a set of files across different systems, it can be useful
   to have an automated way of choosing an alternate version of a file for
   a different operating system, host, user, etc.

   yadm will automatically create a symbolic link to the appropriate  ver-
   sion  of  a  file, when a valid suffix is appended to the filename. The
   suffix contains the conditions that must be met for  that  file  to  be

   The suffix begins with "##", followed by any number of conditions sepa-
   rated by commas.


   Each condition is an attribute/value pair, separated by a period.  Some
   conditions  do  not require a "value", and in that case, the period and
   value can be omitted. Most attributes can be abbreviated  as  a  single


   These are the supported attributes, in the order of the weighted prece-

   template, t
          Valid when the value matches  a  supported  template  processor.
          See the TEMPLATES section for more details.

   user, u
          Valid  if  the  value matches the current user.  Current user is
          calculated by running id -u -n.

   distro, d
          Valid if the value matches the distro.  Distro is calculated  by
          running  lsb_release  -si  or by inspecting the ID from /etc/os-

   os, o  Valid if the value matches the OS.  OS is calculated by  running
          uname -s.

   class, c
          Valid if the value matches the local.class configuration.  Class
          must be manually set using yadm config local.class <class>.  See
          the   CONFIGURATION  section  for  more  details  about  setting

   hostname, h
          Valid if the value matches the short hostname.  Hostname is cal-
          culated by running uname -n, and trimming off any domain.

          Valid when no other alternate is valid.

   extension, e
          A special "condition" that doesn't affect the selection process.
          Its purpose is instead to allow the alternate file to end with a
          certain  extension  to  e.g.  make editors highlight the content

   NOTE: The OS for "Windows Subsystem for Linux" is  reported  as  "WSL",
   even though uname identifies as "Linux".

   You  may use any number of conditions, in any order.  An alternate will
   only be used if ALL conditions are valid.  For  all  files  managed  by
   yadm's  repository  or  listed  in  $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt, if they
   match this naming convention, symbolic links will be  created  for  the
   most appropriate version.

   The "most appropriate" version is determined by calculating a score for
   each version of a file. A template is always  scored  higher  than  any
   symlink  condition. The number of conditions is the next largest factor
   in scoring.  Files with more conditions will  always  be  favored.  Any
   invalid condition will disqualify that file completely.

   If you don't care to have all versions of alternates stored in the same
   directory  as  the  generated  symlink,  you  can  place  them  in  the
   $HOME/.config/yadm/alt  directory.  The  generated symlink or processed
   template will be created using the same relative path.

   Alternate linking may best be demonstrated by example. Assume the  fol-
   lowing files are managed by yadm's repository:

     - $HOME/path/example.txt##default
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##class.Work
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Darwin
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Darwin,hostname.host1
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Darwin,hostname.host2
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Linux
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Linux,hostname.host1
     - $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Linux,hostname.host2

   If running on a Macbook named "host2", yadm will create a symbolic link
   which looks like this:

   $HOME/path/example.txt    ->    $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Darwin,host-

   However, on another Mackbook named "host3", yadm will create a symbolic
   link which looks like this:

   $HOME/path/example.txt -> $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Darwin

   Since the hostname doesn't match any of the  managed  files,  the  more
   generic version is chosen.

   If running on a Linux server named "host4", the link will be:

   $HOME/path/example.txt -> $HOME/path/example.txt##os.Linux

   If running on a Solaris server, the link will use the default version:

   $HOME/path/example.txt -> $HOME/path/example.txt##default

   If running on a system, with class set to "Work", the link will be:

   $HOME/path/example.txt -> $HOME/path/example.txt##class.Work

   If  no  "##default"  version exists and no files have valid conditions,
   then no link will be created.

   Links are also created for directories named this way, as long as  they
   have at least one yadm managed file within them.

   yadm will automatically create these links by default. This can be dis-
   abled using the configuration.  Even if  disabled,  links
   can be manually created by running yadm alt.

   Class  is  a special value which is stored locally on each host (inside
   the local repository). To use alternate symlinks using class, you  must
   set  the  value  of class using the configuration local.class.  This is
   set like any other yadm configuration with the yadm config command. The
   following sets the class to be "Work".

     yadm config local.class Work

   Similarly,  the  values of os, hostname, and user can be manually over-
   ridden using the configuration options  local.os,  local.hostname,  and


   If  a template condition is defined in an alternate file's "##" suffix,
   and the necessary dependencies for the template are available, then the
   file will be processed to create or overwrite files.

   Supported template processors:

          This  is  yadm's  built-in template processor. This processor is
          very basic, with a Jinja-like syntax. The advantage of this pro-
          cessor  is  that it only depends upon awk, which is available on
          most *nix systems. To use this processor, specify the  value  of
          "default" or just leave the value off (e.g. "##template").

   ESH    ESH is a template processor written in POSIX compliant shell. It
          allows executing shell commands within templates.  This  can  be
          used  to reference your own configurations within templates, for

            <% yadm config mysection.myconfig %>

          To use the ESH template processor, specify the value of "esh"

   j2cli  To use the j2cli Jinja template processor, specify the value  of
          "j2"  or "j2cli".

   envtpl To use the envtpl Jinja template processor, specify the value of
          "j2" or "envtpl".

   NOTE: Specifying "j2" as the processor will attempt  to  use  j2cli  or
   envtpl, whichever is available.

   If  the  template  processor  specified is available, templates will be
   processed to create or overwrite files.

   During processing, the following variables are available  in  the  tem-

    Default         Jinja or ESH    Description
    -------------   -------------   --------------------------
    yadm.class      YADM_CLASS      Locally defined yadm class
    yadm.distro     YADM_DISTRO     lsb_release -si
    yadm.hostname   YADM_HOSTNAME   uname -n (without domain)
    yadm.os         YADM_OS         uname -s
    yadm.user       YADM_USER       id -u -n
    yadm.source     YADM_SOURCE     Template filename

   NOTE:  The  OS  for "Windows Subsystem for Linux" is reported as "WSL",
   even though uname identifies as "Linux".

   NOTE: If lsb_release is not available, DISTRO will be the ID  specified
   in /etc/os-release.


   whatever##template with the following content

     {% if yadm.user == "harvey" %}
     {% else %}
     {% include "whatever.extra" %}
     {% endif %}

   would  output  a  file named whatever with the following content if the
   user is "harvey":


   and the following otherwise (if whatever.extra contains admin=false):


   An equivalent Jinja template  named  whatever##template.j2  would  look

     {% if YADM_USER == 'harvey' -%}
     {% else -%}
     {% include 'whatever.extra' %}
     {% endif -%}

   An  equivalent  ESH  templated  named whatever##template.esh would look

     <% if [ "$YADM_USER" = "harvey" ]; then -%>
     config=<%= $YADM_CLASS %>-<%= $YADM_OS %>
     <% else -%>
     <%+ whatever.extra %>
     <% fi -%>


   It can be useful to manage confidential files, like SSH  or  GPG  keys,
   across  multiple  systems.  However, doing so would put plain text data
   into a Git repository, which often resides on a public system. yadm can
   make  it  easy  to  encrypt and decrypt a set of files so the encrypted
   version can be maintained in the Git  repository.   This  feature  will
   only work if a supported tool is available.  Both gpg(1) and openssl(1)
   are supported.  gpg is used by default, but openssl can  be  configured
   with the yadm.cypher configuration.

   To  use  this  feature, a list of patterns must be created and saved as
   $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt.  This list of patterns should  be  relative
   to the configured work-tree (usually $HOME).  For example:


   Standard filename expansions (*, ?, [) are supported.  If you have Bash
   version 4, you may use "**" to match all subdirectories.   Other  shell
   expansions like brace and tilde are not supported.  Spaces in paths are
   supported, and should not be quoted.  If a directory is specified,  its
   contents will be included, but not recursively.  Paths beginning with a
   "!" will be excluded.

   The yadm encrypt command will find all files matching the patterns, and
   prompt  for  a  password.  Once  a password has confirmed, the matching
   files will be encrypted and saved  as  $HOME/.local/share/yadm/archive.
   The  "encrypt"  and "archive" files should be added to the yadm reposi-
   tory so they are available across multiple systems.

   To decrypt these files later, or on another system run yadm decrypt and
   provide  the  correct password.  After files are decrypted, permissions
   are automatically updated as described in the PERMISSIONS section.

   Symmetric encryption is used by default, but asymmetric encryption  may
   be enabled using the yadm.gpg-recipient configuration.

   NOTE:  It is recommended that you use a private repository when keeping
   confidential files, even though they are encrypted.

   Patterns found in $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt are automatically added to
   the  repository's  info/exclude  file  every  time yadm encrypt is run.
   This is to prevent accidentally committing sensitive data to the repos-
   itory.  This can be disabled using the configuration.

   Using transcrypt or git-crypt

   A completely separate option for encrypting data is to install and  use
   transcrypt  or  git-crypt.   Once installed, you can use these tools by
   running yadm transcrypt or yadm git-crypt.  These tools enables  trans-
   parent  encryption and decryption of files in a git repository. See the
   following web sites for more information:




   When files are checked out of a Git repository, their  initial  permis-
   sions  are  dependent upon the user's umask. Because of this, yadm will
   automatically update the permissions of some file  paths.  The  "group"
   and "others" permissions will be removed from the following files:

   - $HOME/.local/share/yadm/archive

   - All files matching patterns in $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt

   - The SSH directory and files, .ssh/*

   - The GPG directory and files, .gnupg/*

   yadm will automatically update permissions by default. This can be dis-
   abled using the configuration. Even if  disabled,  per-
   missions  can  be  manually  updated  by  running yadm perms.  The .ssh
   directory processing can be disabled using the yadm.ssh-perms  configu-
   ration.  The  .gnupg  directory  processing  can  be disabled using the
   yadm.gpg-perms configuration.

   When cloning a repo which includes data in a .ssh or .gnupg  directory,
   if  those  directories  do  not exist at the time of cloning, yadm will
   create the directories with mask 0700 prior to merging the fetched data
   into the work-tree.

   When running a Git command and .ssh or .gnupg directories do not exist,
   yadm will create those directories with mask 0700 prior to running  the
   Git command. This can be disabled using the con-


   For every command yadm supports, a  program  can  be  provided  to  run
   before  or  after  that command. These are referred to as "hooks". yadm
   looks for hooks in the directory $HOME/.config/yadm/hooks.   Each  hook
   is named using a prefix of pre_ or post_, followed by the command which
   should trigger the hook. For example, to create a  hook  which  is  run
   after  every  yadm  pull command, create a hook named post_pull.  Hooks
   must have the executable file permission set.

   If a pre_ hook is defined, and the hook terminates with a non-zero exit
   status,  yadm  will  refuse  to run the yadm command. For example, if a
   pre_commit hook is defined, but that command ends with a non-zero  exit
   status,  the  yadm commit will never be run. This allows one to "short-
   circuit" any operation using a pre_ hook.

   Hooks have the following environment variables  available  to  them  at

          The command which triggered the hook

          The exit status of the yadm command

          The yadm command with all command line arguments (parameters are
          space delimited, and any space, tab or backslash will be escaped
          with a backslash)

          The path to the yadm repository

          The path to the work-tree


   All  of  yadm's  configurations  are  relative to the "yadm directory".
   yadm uses the "XDG Base  Directory  Specification"  to  determine  this
   directory.   If the environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined as
   a fully qualified path, this directory will  be  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/yadm.
   Otherwise it will be $HOME/.config/yadm.

   Similarly, yadm's data files are relative to the "yadm data directory".
   yadm uses the "XDG Base  Directory  Specification"  to  determine  this
   directory.   If the environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME is defined as a
   fully qualified path, this directory will be $XDG_DATA_HOME/yadm.  Oth-
   erwise it will be $HOME/.local/share/yadm.

   The  following  are the default paths yadm uses for its own data.  Most
   of these paths can be altered using universal options.  See the OPTIONS
   section for details.

          The yadm directory. By default, all configs yadm stores is rela-
          tive to this directory.

          The yadm data directory. By default, all  data  yadm  stores  is
          relative to this directory.

          Configuration file for yadm.

          This  is  a  directory  to keep "alternate files" without having
          them side-by-side with the resulting symlink or  processed  tem-
          plate.  Alternate files placed in this directory will be created
          relative to $HOME instead.

          Git repository used by yadm.

          List of globs used for encrypt/decrypt

          All files encrypted with yadm encrypt are stored in this file.


   yadm init
          Create an empty repo for managing files

   yadm add .bash_profile ; yadm commit
          Add .bash_profile to the Git index and create a new commit

   yadm remote add origin <url>
          Add a remote origin to an existing repository

   yadm push -u origin master
          Initial push of master to origin

   echo .ssh/*.key >> $HOME/.config/yadm/encrypt
          Add a new pattern to the list of encrypted files

   yadm encrypt ; yadm add ~/.local/share/yadm/archive ; yadm commit
          Commit a new set of encrypted files


   Report issues or create pull requests at GitHub:


   Tim Byrne <[email protected]>


   git(1), gpg(1) openssl(1) transcrypt(1) git-crypt(1)