This was done post-games. Someone in the chat said they used fcrackzip, which I have never seen before but is available in Kali if you just install it with apt(8). This was the comment, I think, by a user of "Hugo," and I am posting it completely: "oh no! sudo fcrackzip -b -u -v -l 1-7 That’s how I was able to brute force it. I kept the pw length (-l) between 1-7. Try also using the crack station, and you will get the cleartext immediately."
They are correct; running that line gives the password:
└─$ fcrackzip -b -u -v -l 1-7
found file 'build_different.7z', (size cp/uc 389/ 377, flags 9, chk b06c)
found file 'built_different.txt', (size cp/uc 295/ 498, flags 9, chk b145)
checking pw B956
PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == B!p*3
Using the password to unzip the file, we see two new, built_different.7z and built_different.txt:
┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ unzip Archive: [] build_different.7z password: extracting: build_different.7z inflating: built_different.txt
┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ ls build_different.7z built_different.txt
There was a follow-up to the comments since the CTF was over, and it noted, as quoted here: "The built_different.txt file had a bunch of hash values, and one of them spelled out Maramoros, which was the pw for build_different.7z."
I found this is NOT the case, and probably a typo; the password was actually Matamoros." Indeed, Crackstation ( will tell you this if you paste the contents of the entire file:
290c5768c4c300bb5d94c5e48566d940 md2 Matamoros 4878e6f0309cb4c0b1653d540fde005e md4 Matamoros 6c851b965778e56409a4963807c11122 md5 Matamoros edfa12078ab7c689e2e5a37e30220a737505301ef06bc7f8bdf24c89c7cc7689 Unknown Not found. 9d5e6dd6e9432865dd6a5ded27682705d2a4ef1a Unknown Not found. 55732c74c1d2dadd52c36e2f4ca6031e041ab0ce sha1 Matamoros 977802f5a40c482b13508874af6f12c3ec2f096db6fc598bbc95754c sha224 Matamoros 30a09df5dc99880273cfc6dbcd4b48c35e5111082260d23442740ecc21d56e19 sha256 Matamoros 02812275fad36de5b71f1baecd48f685d4f1d64c9f1ed200a981f870cb3a9899 befdb3bb597b394dc97ab9b12566e2a7f4e5587dce267ff02f0f4050fdd6baf8 sha512 Matamoros
Using this, we can extract the final file: ┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ 7za e build_different.7z
7-Zip (a) 23.01 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2023 Igor Pavlov : 2023-06-20 64-bit locale=en_US.UTF-8 Threads:1 OPEN_MAX:1024
Scanning the drive for archives: 1 file, 377 bytes (1 KiB)
Extracting archive: build_different.7z
Path = build_different.7z Type = 7z Physical Size = 377 Headers Size = 217 Method = LZMA2:12 7zAES Solid = - Blocks = 1
Everything is Ok
Size: 219 Compressed: 377
The new file is: and should be in the directory: ┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ ls build_different.7z built_different.txt
It hints that the rockyou wordlist should be used against this zip file. The manual page for fcrackzip states:
-D, --dictionary
Select dictionary mode. In this mode, fcrackzip will read passwords from a file, which must contain one password per line and should be alphabetically sorted (e.g. using
With that, it's time to start cracking. We will use the -D for a dictionary file, but mix it with -u to reduce false positives and -p so specify the passwords line by line. With this, we have the password and the flag:
┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ fcrackzip -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == 123456789123456789
┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ unzip Archive: [] flag.txt password: extracting: flag.txt
┌──(trhodes㉿kali)-[~/Downloads/unknown] └─$ cat flag.txt SIVBGR{P@SSW0RDZ_R_H@RD}
And there's our flag.