File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file upload…
Initial directory setup, style guide and pattern primer. Intended as a starting point for my own projects, available for others to clone and adapt for theirs.
A Matrix-like field type for Craft CMS that uses existing fields
A simple, extensible WordPress theme options framework with Theme Customizer support.
DEPRECATED A turnkey SEO implementation for Craft CMS 2.x that is comprehensive, powerful, and flexible
Add a simple contact form to your Craft CMS site.
A Field Type plugin for CraftCMS that allows the management of relationships from both sides
Craft CMS 5.x starter - DDEV, Vite, Tailwind, Alpine & Servd
DEPRECATED Allows you to easily use Craft Globals as variables in Rich Text fields
DEPRECATED Send social updates to Twitter, Facebook, etc. through via Twig templates, URLs, and plugins.
Sample Craft plugin demonstrating element types
Craft plugin that adds position field to Redactor image edit modal.
Apply CSS classes to your Craft CMS Rich Text fields i.e. Redactor WYSIWYG
Adds a json_decode filter to your craft CMS site.