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bmizerany / sinatra
Forked from sinatra/sinatra(offically at github.com/sinatra/sinatra) Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
PRX / apn_on_rails
Forked from jwang/apn_on_railsApple Push Notifications on Rails
adamwiggins / rest-client
Forked from rest-client/rest-clientSimple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions. Official fork is now at:
leahneukirchen / rack
Forked from rack/racka modular Ruby webserver interface | personal fork | PLEASE BRANCH/SEND PULL REQUESTS/FILE BUGS AT rack/rack
The canonical version of this library can now be found at @twitter/twitter-text-rb
carlosbrando / remarkable
Forked from remarkable-rb/remarkableSimplifying tests!
foca / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityDon't mind this, go to http://github.com/integrity/integrity
Simple Rails application which shows the use of NestedAttributes and AutosaveAssociation.
GemHQ / money-tree
Forked from wink/money-treeA Ruby implementation of Bitcoin HD Wallets (Hierarchical Deterministic) BIP32
troelskn / handsoap
Forked from unwire/handsoapHandsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby
tmm1 / youtube-g
Forked from kylejginavan/youtube_itAn object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
courtenay / acts_like_git
Forked from parfait/acts_like_gitA Rails plugin that uses git to version ActiveRecord fields, like acts_as_versioned, but a git.
arunthampi / activecouch
Forked from chuyeow/activecouchActiveCouch is a simple, convenient, Ruby-idiomatic wrapper for CouchDB
technoweenie / seinfeld
Forked from entp/seinfeldOpen Source calendar
kyleboe / zoom_rb
Forked from mllocs/zoomusRuby REST API Wrapper for zoom.us API
Simple WebSocket Client on Ruby
technoweenie / parkplace
Forked from mattjamieson/parkplacean amazon s3 clone and bittorrent service (in ruby)
threedaymonk / chef-ec2
Forked from chef-boneyard/chef-repoRake tasks and directory organisation to bootstrap and configure an EC2 instance using Chef.
Shopify's Active Merchant library with Recurring billing for BeanStream gateway
lightningdb / workflow
Forked from ryan-allen/workflowLike acts as state machine, but _way_ better.
mislav / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityThe easy and fun Continuous Integration server
galdomedia / wicked_pdf
Forked from mileszs/wicked_pdfPDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
tobi / sprinkle
Forked from sprinkle-tool/sprinkleSprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with. eg. to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created
sr / couchy
Forked from jchris/couchrestSimple, no-frills Ruby library around CouchDB's RESTful API
fiveruns / brain_buster
Forked from rsanheim/brain_busterBrainBuster - a logic captcha for Rails
bumi / high_voltage
Forked from thoughtbot/high_voltageTHIS FORK IS DEPRECATED! DO NOT USE .- Easily include --static-- pages in your Rails app.
maxigs / translate_routes
Forked from raul/translate_routesRails plugin to translate your URLs and routing helpers on an clean way.
This plugin turns Redmine (http://redmine.org) into a Hoptoad server, i.e. an API provider which can be used with the hoptoad_notifier which is available at: http://www.hoptoadapp.com/.
bumi / commit_hookr
Forked from raucao/commit_hookrcommit_hookr watches your commit messages and checks it for team policies
angelo0000 / has_many_tenses
Forked from peimei/has_many_tensesAllows models to have associations and instance bools based on past recent and future