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You Don't Know JS Yet: Types & Grammar - 2nd Edition

Chapter 4: Coercing Values

Work in progress

We've thouroughly covered all of the different types of values in JS. And along the way, more than a few times, we mentioned the notion of converting -- actually, coercing -- from one type of value to another.

In this chapter, we'll dive deep into coercion and uncover all its mysteries.


The JS specification details a number of abstract operations1 that dictate internal conversion from one value-type to another. It's important to be aware of these operations, as coercive mechanics in the language mix and match them in various ways.

These operations look as if they're real functions that could be called, such as ToString(..) or ToNumber(..). But by abstract, we mean they only exist conceptually by these names; they aren't functions we can directly invoke in our programs. Instead, we invoke them implicitly/indirectly depending on the statements/expressions in our programs.


Decision making (conditional branching) always requires a boolean true or false value. But it's extremely common to want to make these decisions based on non-boolean value conditions, such as whether a string is empty or has anything in it.

When non-boolean values are encountered in a context that requires a boolean -- such as the condition clause of an if statement or for loop -- the ToBoolean(..)2 abstract operation is invoked to facilitate the coercion.

All values in JS are in one of two buckets: truthy or falsy. Truthy values coerce via the ToBoolean() operation to true, whereas falsy values coerce to false:

// ToBoolean() is abstract

ToBoolean(undefined);               // false
ToBoolean(null);                    // false
ToBoolean("");                      // false
ToBoolean(0);                       // false
ToBoolean(-0);                      // false
ToBoolean(0n);                      // false
ToBoolean(NaN);                     // false

Simple rule: any other value that's not in the above list is truthy and coerces via ToBoolean() to true:

ToBoolean("hello");                 // true
ToBoolean(42);                      // true
ToBoolean([ 1, 2, 3 ]);             // true
ToBoolean({ a: 1 });                // true

Even values like " " (string with only whitespace), [] (empty array), and {} (empty object), which may seem intuitively like they're more "false" than "true", nevertheless coerce to true.

There are narrow, tricky exceptions to this truthy rule. For example, the web platform has deprecated the long-standing document.all collection/array feature, though it cannot be removed entirely -- that would break too many sites. Even where document.all is still defined, it behaves as a "falsy object" that coerces to false; that means legacy conditional checks like if (document.all) { .. } no longer pass.

The ToBoolean() coercion operation is basically a lookup table rather than an algorithm of steps to use in coercions a non-boolean to a boolean. Thus, some developers assert that this isn't really coercion the way other abstract coercion operations are. I think that's bogus. ToBoolean() converts from non-boolean value-types to a boolean, and that's clear cut type coercion (even if it's a very simple lookup instead of an algorithm).

Keep in mind: these rules of boolean coercion only apply when ToBoolean() is actually invoked. There are constructs/idioms in the JS language that may appear to involve boolean coercion but which don't actually do so.


Any value that's not already a primitive can be reduced to a primitive using the ToPrimitive() (specifically, OrdinaryToPrimitive()3) abstract operation. Generally, the ToPrimitive() is given a hint to tell it whether a number or string is preferred.

// ToPrimitive() is abstract

ToPrimitive({ a: 1 },"string");          // "[object Object]"

ToPrimitive({ a: 1 },"number");          // NaN

The ToPrimitive() operation will look on the object provided, for either a toString() method or a valueOf() method; the order it looks for those is controlled by the hint.

If the method returns a value matching the hinted type, the operation is finished. But if the method doesn't return a value of the hinted type, ToPrimitive() will then look for and invoke the other method (if found).

If the attempts at method invocation fail to produce a value of the hinted type, the final return value is forcibly coerced via the corresponding abstract operation: ToString() or ToNumber().


Pretty much any value that's not already a string can be coerced to a string representation, via ToString(). 4 This is usually quite intuitive, especially with primitive values:

// ToString() is abstract

ToString(42.0);                 // "42"
ToString(-3);                   // "-3"
ToString(Infinity);             // "Infinity"
ToString(NaN);                  // "NaN"
ToString(42n);                  // "42"

ToString(true);                 // "true"
ToString(false);                // "false"

ToString(null);                 // "null"
ToString(undefined);            // "undefined"

There are some results that may vary from common intuition. As mentioned in Chapter 2, very large or very small numbers will be represented using scientific notation:

ToString(Number.MAX_VALUE);     // "1.7976931348623157e+308"
ToString(Math.EPSILON);         // "2.220446049250313e-16"

Another counter-intuitive result comes from -0:

ToString(-0);                   // "0" -- wtf?

This isn't a bug, it's just an intentional behavior from the earliest days of JS, based on the assumption that developers generally wouldn't want to ever see a negative-zero output.

One primitive value-type that is not allowed to be coerced (implicitly, at least) to string is symbol:

ToString(Symbol("ok"));         // TypeError exception thrown
Calling the String()5 concrete function (without new operator) is generally thought of as merely invoking the ToString() abstract operation. While that's mostly true, it's not entirely so. String(Symbol("ok")) works, whereas the abstract ToString(Symbol(..)) itself throws an exception.

Default toString()

When ToString() is performed on object value-types, it instead invokes the ToPrimitive() operation (as explained earlier), with "string" as its hinted type:

ToString(new String("abc"));        // "abc"
ToString(new Number(42));           // "42"

ToString({ a: 1 });                 // "[object Object]"
ToString([ 1, 2, 3 ]);              // "1,2,3"

By virtue of ToPrimitive(..,"string") delegation, these objects all have their default toString() method (inherited via [[Prototype]]) invoked.


Non-number values that resemble numbers, such as numeric strings, can generally be coerced to a numeric representation, using ToNumber(): 6

// ToNumber() is abstract

ToNumber("42");                     // 42
ToNumber("-3");                     // -3
ToNumber("1.2300");                 // 1.23
ToNumber("   8.0    ");             // 8

If the full value doesn't completely (other than whitespace) resemble a valid number, the result will be NaN:

ToNumber("123px");                  // NaN
ToNumber("hello");                  // NaN

Other primitive values have certain designated numeric equivalents:

ToNumber(true);                     // 1
ToNumber(false);                    // 0

ToNumber(null);                     // 0
ToNumber(undefined);                // NaN

There are some rather surprising designations for ToNumber():

ToNumber("");                       // 0
ToNumber("       ");                // 0
I call these "surprising" because I think it would have made much more sense for them to coerce to NaN, the way undefined does.

Some primitive values are not allowed to be coerced to numbers, and result in exceptions rather than NaN:

ToNumber(42n);                      // TypeError exception thrown
ToNumber(Symbol("42"));             // TypeError exception thrown
Calling the Number()7 concrete function (without new operator) is generally thought of as merely invoking the ToNumber() abstract operation to coerce a value to a number. While that's mostly true, it's not entirely so. Number(42n) works, whereas the abstract ToNumber(42n) itself throws an exception.

Other Abstract Numeric Conversions

In addition to ToNumber(), the specification defines ToNumeric(), which is essentially invokes ToPrimitive() on a value, then conditionally invokes ToNumber() if the value is not already a bigint value-type.

There are also a wide variety of abstract operations related to converting values to very specific subsets of the general number type:

  • ToIntegerOrInfinity()
  • ToInt32()
  • ToUint32()
  • ToInt16()
  • ToUint16()
  • ToInt8()
  • ToUint8()
  • ToUint8Clamp()

Other operations related to bigint:

  • ToBigInt()
  • StringToBigInt()
  • ToBigInt64()
  • ToBigUint64()

You can probably infer the purpose of these operations from their names, and/or from consulting their algorithms in the specification. For most JS operations, it's more likely that a higher-level operation like ToNumber() is invoked, rather than these specific ones.

Default valueOf()

When ToNumber() is performed on object value-types, it instead invokes the ToPrimitive() operation (as explained earlier), with "number" as its hinted type:

ToNumber(new String("abc"));        // NaN
ToNumber(new Number(42));           // 42

ToNumber({ a: 1 });                 // NaN
ToNumber([ 1, 2, 3 ]);              // NaN
ToNumber([]);                       // 0

By virtue of ToPrimitive(..,"number") delegation, these objects all have their default valueOf() method (inherited via [[Prototype]]) invoked.

Equality Comparison

When JS needs to determine if two values are the same value, it invokes the SameValue()8 operation, which delegates to a variety of related sub-operations.

This operation is very narrow and strict, and performs no coercion or any other special case exceptions. If two values are exactly the same, the result is true, otherwise it's false:

// SameValue() is abstract

SameValue("hello","\x68ello");          // true
SameValue("\u{1F4F1}","\uD83D\uDCF1");  // true
SameValue(42,42);                       // true
SameValue(NaN,NaN);                     // true

SameValue("\u00e9","\u0065\u0301");     // false
SameValue(0,-0);                        // false
SameValue([1,2,3],[1,2,3]);             // false

A variation of these operations is SameValueZero() and its associated sub-operations. The main difference is that these operations treat 0 and -0 as indistinguishable.

// SameValueZero() is abstract

SameValueZero(0,-0);                    // true

If the values are numeric (number or bigint), SameValue() and SameValueZero() both delegate to sub-operations of the same names, specialized for each number and bigint type, respectively.

Otherwise, SameValueNonNumeric() is the sub-operation delegated to if the values being compared are both non-numeric:

// SameValueNonNumeric() is abstract

SameValueNonNumeric("hello","hello");   // true

SameValueNonNumeric([1,2,3],[1,2,3]);   // false

Higher-Abstracted Equality

Different from SameValue() and its variations, the specification also defines two important higher-abstraction abstract equality comparison operations:

  • IsStrictlyEqual()9
  • IsLooselyEqual()10

The IsStrictlyEqual() operation immediately returns false if the value-types being compared are different.

If the value-types are the same, IsStrictlyEqual() delegates to sub-operations for comparing number or bigint values. You might logically expect these delegated sub-operations to be the aforementioned numeric-specialized SameValue() / SameValueZero() operations. However, IsStrictlyEqual() instead delegates to Number:equal()11 or BigInt:equal()12.

The difference between Number:SameValue() and Number:equal() is that the latter defines corner cases for 0 vs -0 comparison:

// all of these are abstract operations

Number:SameValue(0,-0);             // false
Number:SameValueZero(0,-0);         // true
Number:equal(0,-0);                 // true

These operations also differ in NaN vs NaN comparison:

Number:SameValue(NaN,NaN);          // true
Number:equal(NaN,NaN);              // false
So in other words, despite its name, IsStrictlyEqual() is not quite as "strict" as SameValue(), in that it lies when comparisons of -0 or NaN are involved.

The IsLooselyEqual() operation also inspects the value-types being compared; if they're the same, it immediately delegates to IsStrictlyEqual().

But if the value-types being compared are different, IsLooselyEqual() performs a variety of coercive equality steps. It's important to note that this algorithm is always trying to reduce the comparison down to where both value-types are the same (and it tends to prefer number / bigint).

The steps of the coercive equality portion of the algorithm can roughly be summarized as follows:

  1. If either value is null and the other is undefined, IsLooselyEqual() returns true. In other words, this algorithm applies nullish equality, in that null and undefined are coercively equal to each other (and to no other values).

  2. If either value is a number and the other is a string, the string value is coerced to a number via ToNumber().

  3. If either value is a bigint and the other is a string, the string value is coerced to a bigint via StringToBigInt().

  4. If either value is a boolean, it's coerced to a number.

  5. If either value is a non-primitive (object, etc), it's coerced to a primitive with ToPrimitive(); though a hint is not explicitly provided, the default behavior will be as if "number" was the hint.

Each time a coercion is performed in the above steps, the algorithm is recursively reinvoked with the new value(s). That process continues until the types are the same, and then the comparison is delegated to the IsStrictlyEqual() operation.

What can we take from this algorithm? First, we see there is a bias toward number (or bigint) comparison; it nevers coerce values to string or boolean value-types.

Importantly, we see that both IsLooselyEqual() and IsStrictlyEqual() are type-sensitive. IsStrictlyEqual() immediately bails if the types mismatch, whereas IsLooselyEqual() performs the extra work to coerce mismatching value-types to be the same value-types (again, ideally, number or bigint).

Moreover, if/once the types are the same, both operations are identical -- IsLooselyEqual() delegates to IsStrictlyEqual().

Relational Comparison



  1. "7.1 Type Conversion", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  2. "7.1.2 ToBoolean(argument)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  3. " OrdinaryToPrimitive(O,hint)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  4. "7.1.17 ToString(argument)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  5. " String(value)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  6. "7.1.4 ToNumber(argument)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  7. " Number(value)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  8. "7.2.11 SameValue(x,y)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  9. "7.2.16 IsStrictlyEqual(x,y)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  10. "7.2.15 IsLooselyEqual(x,y)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  11. " Number:equal(x,y)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022

  12. " BigInt:equal(x,y)", ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification; ; Accessed August 2022