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BadgerHold is an embeddable NoSQL store for querying Go types built on Badger
Implementing a fast scaling and low cost Stable Diffusion inference solution with serverless and containers on AWS
A universal OSS interface that has implemented s3, aliyun, mini, tent (cos), and local storage media
由全网6W+粉丝、华为及阿里云测试专家认证博主开发及蚂蚁金服高级测开担任顾问推出的轻量级接口测试平台。Lim是Less is More(少即是多)的缩写,正如它的名字我们希望在开展接口测试时能够“四两拨千斤”!让用户操作更少但开展建设的效率更高。因此我们做了许多交互细节上的优化和创新以及一些大胆的设计。快来试试吧!
An online endorsement tool. With complete function,including activation code, membership, bargaining, listening to books, etc.
You can do exercise online(offline)! With many features.
GeaFlow: A Streaming Graph Compute Engine.
Our paper, Information Sciences, "Attentive Multi-granularity Perception Network for Person Search"
Easy to expand message distribution component, can be used for chat rooms, and has achieved horizontal expansion of clusters with long connections to ws or sse using nats go