[Top bar menu] -> Steam (first one) -> Settings -> Steam Play -> Advanced -> Enable Steam Play for all titles -> [Choose latest stable version]
- make quick save / quick load work on original keybindings (F9?)
set proton 3-16.9
- Right click the game in library -> local files
- might look like this: /home/USER/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines NOTE: use absolute paths in options
add game [button below the games' list] -> non-steam -> browse [button below the list that can be loading] -> pick unofficial patch EXE file
Install wine
In unofficial patch properties:
- set run prefix WINEPREFIX=(absolute vtmb directory) wine VTMBup112rc5.3.exe
- Force compatibility tool - proton 3-16.9
- this may be unavailable before restarting steam completely after first enabling Proton
Run the unofficial patch
- find the location of vampire.exe in your steam files: [steam library list] -> vtmb -> right-click -> properties -> local files -> etc.
- put that as absolute path as the input for the installer
- select options: "plus patch", "patch extra"
Run in directory - VTMB dir from steam
Force compatibility tool - proton 3-16.9
- this may be unavailable before restarting steam completely after first enabling Proton
Set game launch options in steam: -full -game Unofficial_Patch
Saves are normally in a place like this, under the steam's "local files" directory ./.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines/Unofficial_Patch/save/
Make that directory into a Syncthing directory
quick save - F5 (F9 crashes on proton) quick load - unset printscreen - f12 (TODO does that work, even?) stop disciplines - middle mouse button (works even on a touchpad)
autorenew disciplines - off
Hear the logos but can't skip them? Game launches in full screen but everything's black, and you hear the logos? Press Alt+F4 once, and the logos should appear, and you'll be able to skip them with some button.
no screen after alt-tab out of the game Press alt+f4 when you're at the blank screen after alt-tabbing back into the game. Something should happen, and you should be taken back to the game.
Source of knowledge: ValveSoftware/Proton#1804 (comment):
Install from Steam with both Bloodmoon and Tribunal.
Then install mods (TODO figure this out):
- https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/e78v9a/morrowind_mge_xe_mod_wine_or_proton/
- ??? https://gist.github.com/Magotchi/eb2c43c0d9aa1bd09817d5069c9fb680
- Morrowind code patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510
- Morrowind Rebirth: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/37795/
What about OpenMV? https://openmw.org/en/
/home/butla/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Morrowind/Morrowind.ini TODO - no option to set in vanilla, Morrowind, it seems.