AMR-EAGER [1] is a transition-based parser for Abstract Meaning Representation (
- Install Torch and torch packages dp, nngraph and optim (using luarocks, as explained here:
- Install the following python dependencies: numpy, nltk, parsimonious and pytorch (
- Run
cd amrpreprocessing
Assuming input file contains English sentences (one sentence for line):
./ -s <sentences_file>
python -f <sentences_file>
cd ..
python -f <file> -m <model_dir>
(without -m it uses the model provided in the directoryLDC2015E86
We provide evaluation metrics to compare AMR graphs based on Smatch ( and rely on for processing annotations. computes a set of metrics between AMR graphs in addition to the traditional Smatch code:
- Unlabeled: Smatch score computed on the predicted graphs after removing all edge labels
- No WSD. Smatch score while ignoring Propbank senses (e.g., duck-01 vs duck-02)
- Named Ent. F-score on the named entity recognition (:name roles)
- Wikification. F-score on the wikification (:wiki roles)
- Negations. F-score on the negation detection (:polarity roles)
- Concepts. F-score on the concept identification task
- Reentrancy. Smatch computed on reentrant edges only
- SRL. Smatch computed on :ARG-i roles only
The different metrics are detailed and explained in [1], which also uses them to evaluate several AMR parsers.
cd amrevaluation
./ <file>.parsed <gold_amr_file>
To use the evaluation script with a different parser, provide the other parser's output as the first argument. Note that if the parser's ouput is not compatible with the parsimonious grammar as specified in amrpreprocessing/src/amr.peg, the script will try to automatically fix the problems but it may fail.
- Install JAMR aligner and set path in
cd amrpreprocessing
- Preprocess training and validation sets:
./ <amr_file>
python --amrs -f <amr_file>
cd ..
python -t <training_file> -v <validation_file> -m <model_dir>
- Train the two neural networks:
th nnets/model_rels.lua --model_dir <model_dir>
,th nnets/model_labels.lua --model_dir <model_dir>
andth nnets/model_labels.lua --model_dir <model_dir>
(use also --cuda if you want to use GPUs). Then move the.dat
models in<model_dir>
- To evaluate the performance of the neural networks run ``th nnets/report.lua <model_dir>```.
[1] "An Incremental Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation", Marco Damonte, Shay B. Cohen and Giorgio Satta. In arXiv:1608.06111 (2016). URL: