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Host files fast using aliases, specify a directory (-d), or specify a file (-f). Set serv as an alias to use it anywhere. Supports hosting over http or https. If https is chosen it will generate a certificate and use it automatically. The interface is chosen by priority, if tun0 is up then tun0 will be used, otherwise, it will use eth0. Download tooling to serve or set your own aliases using the ini files. Downloads require a GitHub API token.
Qu1ckdr0p comes with some tools in windows/ and linux/ by default, along with some default repos in config/repos.ini. Not all of the default tools have compiled binaries released in their source code repos (e.g.: ghostpack) so compiled ones are included without the release repo added. Running serv update
(requires github api key) will reach out to the repos configured in config/repos.ini, download them, and move them into the correct platform directory. All of the tools in the qu1ckdr0p repo and all of the Kali default tools (or most of them) also have a built-in alias.
git clone /opt/qu1ckdr0p
cd /opt/qu1ckdr0p/
poetry install
sudo apt install kali-tools-windows-resources
sudo apt install kali-tools-post-exploitation
alias serv="python3 /opt/qu1ckdr0p2/qu1ckdr0p2/" (or add to ~/.zshrc)
serv serve -d /path
serv serve -d /path --https --port 443
serv serve -f /path/file.bin --https --port 443
serv serve linux --https --port 443
serv serve windows --https --port 443
serv serve seatbelt --https --port 443
serv serve mimikatz --https --port 443
serv list --search "mimikatz"
serv list
serv serve windows --https --port 8443
# Pre configured post windows directory is: ./windows = /windows
# see: config/common.ini
serv serve
serv serve list --search winpeas
serv serve list
serv serve -f /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries/nc.exe --https --port 8443
serv serve -d /usr/share/windows-resources/binaries
serv update