cBackup [siː ˈbækʌp] — network equipment configuration backup tool.
This repository contains cBackup documentation and releases.
Also you may check out the official cBackup website for community help, discussions and usecases.
Easy-to-use documentation is available on
cBackup is intended for usage in Linux environment. It consists of two parts: web interface and multithreaded Java daemon. We recommend dedicated standalone appliance due to relatively high demand on resources. Brief system requirements are:
- Linux server
- Web server (Apache, NGinx)
- PHP 7.0 or newer
- Java 8, JRE
- MySQL 5.7 or newer (or compatible MariaDB, Percona, etc)
- Git 2.7 or newer
- OpenSSH
- libCurl
Published under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3)
Copyright 2017 © cBackup Team: Oļegs Čapligins, Imants Černovs, Dmitrijs Galočkins