Branch selector
User selector
Commit History
Commits on Dec 10, 2020
SAK-44770 lessons > page settings does not reflect custom tool title from ToolConfiguration (sakaiproject#8888)
authoredSAK-44640 assignments > recreate gradebook item when restoring assignment from trash (sakaiproject#8879)
authoredSAK-44767 Sort order is alphabetical after restoring or permanently deleting an assignment (sakaiproject#8886)
authored- authored
SAK-44754 Lessons > Fix NPE on student content when group is deleted and related improvements (sakaiproject#8881)
authored- authored
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Commits on Dec 9, 2020
SAK-44730 re-add the counter variable so that auto-save only fires a POST after XX seconds (sakaiproject#8882)
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Commits on Dec 8, 2020
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Commits on Dec 7, 2020
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SAK-44740 check for categoryId from the GB as the instructor can edit in both Samigo and GB (sakaiproject#8864)
authored- authored
Commits on Dec 3, 2020
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SAK-44486 Forums - email notification is sent to users who didn't participate in conversation (sakaiproject#8769)
authored- authored
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Resources: students have the "copy" option in the drop-down even though it does nothing (sakaiproject#8842)
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