This project is deprecated and is superseeded by vault-autounseal-operator!
Helper application for managing vault with Raft storage & TLS in kubernetes clusters.
Takes care of following aspects:
- preparing a certificate for vault pods signed by cluster CA
- initializing a new cluster
- joining raft nodes to the first node
- automatic unsealing existing cluster
Application consists of 2 commands:
- setup-tls - creates certificates for vault cluster signed by cluster's CA
- vault-autounseal - initialzies, stores secrets and unseals vault.
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add vault-k8s-helper
If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update
to retrieve
the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo vault-k8s-helper
to see the charts.
Helm repository has 2 helm charts:
- vault-cert-creator - which installs setup-tls tool and provides secrets for the vault. It will also renew certificates if they are near to be expired
- vault-autounseal - this chart sets up vault-autounseal utility which is responsible for initializing and establishing a new cluster and unsealing sealed pods.
Prefered way of instalation is using helm charts. Simplest setup can be achieved using following steps:
- Install setup-tls:
helm upgrade --install -n vault --create-namespace vault-cert-creator vault-cert-creator --repo
- Install vault
helm upgrade --install -n vault --create-namespace vault vault --repo --version 0.24.0 -f example/vault/vault-values.yaml
- Install vault-autounseal
helm upgrade --install -n vault-autounseal --create-namespace vault-autounseal vault-autounseal --repo
To obtain root token you can: kubectl get secret -ojson -n vault-autounseal vault-autounseal-root-token | jq -r '.data.token' | base64 -d
Vault client library used in vault-autounseal
can be also configured using vault's env variables: