issues Search Results · repo:caogang/wgan-gp language:Python
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incaogang/wgan-gp (press backspace or delete to remove)zhangzherui123
- 1
- Opened on Nov 19, 2021
- #61
Since the d_loss = fake-real+gp, how to decide the value of LAMBDA to get a reasonable gradient penalty. I mean, if
fake=-10, real=10, is gp=10 appropriate?or the gp should be smaller(e.g. gp=5)?
- 2
- Opened on Mar 5, 2021
- #60
I thought I should write like D_cost = D_fake - D_real + gradient_penalty D_cost.backward() but I don t know why you use
backward like that. ...
- Opened on Dec 26, 2020
- #59
HI, Should the G_loss be written as G.backward(one) instead of G.backward(mone) in lines 241?
- Opened on Dec 15, 2020
- #58
The loss should not be: D_real.backward(mone)
It should be : D_real.backward(one)
- 1
- Opened on Dec 2, 2020
- #57
Hi, I accidently saw your code when I google W-GAN GP. I think there is something wrong with your implementationi ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 29, 2020
- #56
excuse me, can you tell me how can we get the result from descriminator and then muiltiply -1 as the cost? especially in
mnist dataset, we use the sigmoid as the last layer, and the cost is negtive all ...
- Opened on Jul 17, 2020
- #55
Hello, I ve implemented your code on my own dataset. However, the d_loss decreases from 10(which equals to lambda) to a
very small negative number(like -10000), the wasserstein distance keeps going to ...
- 4
- Opened on May 18, 2020
- #54
My understanding of WGAN-GP is that the loss function penalizes the norm of the end-to-end Jacobian. That code appears
to be here:
What ...
- Opened on Dec 2, 2019
- #53
How can we solve this problem? InvalidArgumentError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 8 and 256 for FusedBatchNorm_14
(op: FusedBatchNorm ) with input shapes: [64,256,8,8], [256], [256], [0], [0].
Thank ...
- Opened on Oct 8, 2019
- #52

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