Merged pull request mattheworiordan#14 to limit when capybara-screenshot is fired for RSpec
Merged pull request from to support Padrino
Removed unnecessary and annoying warning that a screen shot cannot be taken. This message was being shown when RSpec tests were run that did not even invoke Capybara
Updated documentation to reflect support for more frameworks, mattheworiordan#9
Removed Cucumber dependency mattheworiordan#7 Allowed PNG save path to be configured using capybara.save_and_open_page_path
More robust handling of Minitest for users who have it installed as a dependency mattheworiordan#5
Fixed bug related to teardown hook not being available in Minitest for some reason (possibly version issues). mattheworiordan#5
Added support for:
- More platforms (Poltergeist)
- Removed Rails dependencies (bug)
- Added screenshot capability for Selenium
- Added support for embed for HTML reports
Thanks to for 2 great commits
Added support for Minitest using teardown hooks
Added support for RSpec by adding a RSpec configuration after hook and checking if Capybara is being used.
Ensured that tests run other than Cucumber won't fail. Prior to this Cucumber was required.