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T5 title generation


Title-generation task aims to generate title for the given input text.

Results show

Input text


Out title

可 穿 戴 产 品 设 计 原 则 十 大 原 则
乔 布 斯 宣 布 iphone 8 年 后 将 成 为 个 人 电 脑
雅 虎 拟 剥 离 阿 里 巴 巴 15 % 股 权


1.Load data

The sample data is in /examples/bert_title_generation/data/

You need to define the data loading process in For example:

>>> def read_file():
>>>     src = []
>>>     tgt = []

>>>     ## read data file to load src and tgt, for example:
>>>     ## src = ["article_1", "article_2", "article_3" ......]
>>>     ## tgt = ["title_1", "title_2", "title_3" ......]
>>>     ## no matter what data you use, you need to construct the right src and tgt.
>>>     with open(src_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
>>>         lines = f.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             src.append(line.strip('\n').lower())

>>>     with open(tgt_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
>>>         lines = f.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             tgt.append(line.strip('\n').lower())
>>>     return src,tgt

2.Load model and tokenizer

>>> from flagai.auto_model.auto_loader import AutoLoader

>>> loader = AutoLoader("seq2seq", "T5-base-ch", model_dir="./state_dict/")
>>> model = loader.get_model()
>>> tokenizer = loader.get_tokenizer()

3. Train

Then input this code in commandline to train:

python ./

The configuration support multi-gpus training. Modify the training configuration by this code:

>>> from flagai.trainer import Trainer
>>> trainer = Trainer(
>>>     env_type="deepspeed",
>>>     experiment_name="t5_seq2seq",
>>>     batch_size=1,
>>>     gradient_accumulation_steps=1,
>>>     lr=2e-4,
>>>     weight_decay=1e-3,
>>>     epochs=10,
>>>     log_interval=10,
>>>     eval_interval=10000,
>>>     load_dir=None,
>>>     save_dir="checkpoints",
>>>     save_interval=1,
>>>     num_checkpoints=1,
>>>     master_ip='',
>>>     master_port=17750,
>>>     num_nodes=1,
>>>     num_gpus=2,
>>>     hostfile='./hostfile',
>>>     deepspeed_config='./deepspeed.json',
>>>     training_script=__file__,
>>> )

Divide the training set validation set and create the dataset:

>>> sents_src, sents_tgt = read_file()
>>> data_len = len(sents_tgt)
>>> train_size = int(data_len * 0.8)
>>> train_src = sents_src[:train_size][:2000]
>>> train_tgt = sents_tgt[:train_size][:2000]

>>> val_src = sents_src[train_size:]
>>> val_tgt = sents_tgt[train_size:]

>>> train_dataset = T5Seq2seqDataset(train_src,
>>>                                  train_tgt,
>>>                                  tokenizer=tokenizer,
>>>                                  max_src_length=300,
>>>                                  max_tgt_length=200)
>>> val_dataset = T5Seq2seqDataset(val_src,
>>>                                val_tgt,
>>>                                tokenizer=tokenizer,
>>>                                max_src_length=300,
>>>                                max_tgt_length=200)

>>> trainer.train(model, train_dataset=train_dataset, valid_dataset=val_dataset)


If you have already trained a model, in order to see the results more intuitively, rather than the loss of the validation set. You can run the generation file. First to modify the path of saved model.

>>> model_save_path = "./checkpoints/1001/" ## 1001 is example, you need modify the number.
python ./

Then you can see the generation result.