Wrap any program in a simple web-based user-interface
See the latest release or download it now with curl https://i.jpillora.com/webproc | bash
$ go get -v github.com/jpillora/webproc
Let's use webproc
to run dnsmasq
webproc --config /etc/dnsmasq.conf -- dnsmasq --no-daemon
Visit http://localhost:8080 and view the process configuration, status and logs.
For more features, see the Configuration file
$ webproc --help
Usage: webproc [options] args...
args can be either a command with arguments or a webproc file
--host, -h listening interface
--port, -p listening port (env PORT)
--user, -u basic auth username (env USER)
--pass basic auth password (env PASS)
--on-exit, -o process exit action (default proxy)
--config, -c comma-separated list of configuration files
--version, -v
Read more:
The CLI interface only exposes a subset of the configuration, to further customize
webproc, create a program.toml
file and then load it with:
webproc program.toml
Here is a complete configuration with the defaults, only ProgramArgs
is required:
# Program to execute (with optional Arguments). Note: the process
# must remain in the foreground (i.e. do NOT fork/run as daemon).
ProgramArgs = []
# Interface to serve web UI. Warning: defaults to ALL interfaces.
Host = ""
# Port to serve web UI
Port = 8080
# Basic authentication settings for web UI
User = ""
Pass = ""
# IP addresses which should be allowed to access the web UI
# For example, [""]
AllowedIPs = []
# Log settings for the process:
# "both" - log to both, webproc standard out/error and to the web UI log.
# "webui" - only log to the web UI. Note, the web UI only keeps the last 10k lines.
# "proxy" - only log to webproc standard out/error.
Log = "both"
# OnExit dictates what action to take when the process exits:
# "proxy" - also exit webproc with the same exit code
# "ignore" - ignore and wait for manual restart via the web UI
# "restart" - automatically restart with exponential backoff time delay between failed restarts
# It is recommended to use "proxy" and then to run webproc commands via a process manager.
OnExit = "proxy"
# Configuration files to be editable by the web UI.
# For example, dnsmasq would include "/etc/dnsmasq.conf"
ConfigurationFiles = []
# After the restart signal (SIGINT) has been sent, webproc will wait for RestartTimeout before
# forcibly restarting the process (SIGKILL).
RestartTimeout = "30s"