Run the official postgres docker image and initialize the database by the way of a lein alias
lein dev-db
You can also start an empty development database by running the script
Which does roughly the following:
- run a postgres container named
- initialize the database with
- create the schema with
lein run migrate
When done you can stop (and automatically remove) the database.
docker stop rems_test
- You can get some test data with
lein run test-data
REMS is a Clojure+Clojurescript Single Page App.
To start the (clojure) backend:
lein run
To start the (clojurescript) frontend, run in another terminal:
lein figwheel
Point your browser to http://localhost:3000
To run unit tests:
lein eftest
To run tests that need a database:
lein eftest :all
To run browser tests (requires chromedriver in $PATH, the alias also builds cljs):
lein browsertests
If browser tests fail, screenshots and DOM are written in browsertest-errors
Start REPL and run tests in there:
lein with-profile test repl
First make sure you have the npm depenencies with
lein deps
and then just run
lein doo
to run tests in Headless Chrome via Karma.
To conveniently run all the tests you can run the lein alias
lein alltests
You can access the component guide at /#/guide
. It contains all the
components in various configurations.
REMS is an open source project. In case you would like to contribute to its development, please refer to the document.
Documentation files can be found under the docs folder.
Documentation can also be read from the browser by launching user docs server with the command:
mkdocs serve
or simply by visiting
Alternatively docker images can be used for running the documentation server:
docker build . -f docs-server/Dockerfile -t rems-mkdocs-server
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --name rems-user-guide rems-mkdocs-server --rm
Note live reload is disabled for the docker version of mkdocs.