- Extract various types of archives like
, … - Supports password protected archives
- Extract archives from direct links
- Broadcast messages to users
- Ban / Unban users from using your bot
- Send logs in a private channel/group
- And some other features 🔥 Dive into the code to find them 🤭
Check the beta branch to find them. They normally also are on the master one
Those are things that are fixed/added regarding to original repo
- Can run only one extract per user at a time
- Download speed : 2-12 Mb/s, can be even more if you're lucky
- Upload speed : 5-20 Mb/s, unexpectedly
- Fast to answer and process tasks
- Your APP ID. Get it from my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
- Your API_HASH. Get it from my.telegram.orgBOT_OWNER
- Your Telegram Account ID. Get it from @MissRose_bot (Start the bot and send /info command).BOT_TOKEN
- Bot Token of Your Telegram Bot. Get it from @BotFatherMONGODB_URL
- Your MongoDB URL, Tutorial hereLOGS_CHANNEL
- Make a private channel and get its ID (search on Google if you don't know how to do). Using a group works as well, just addRose
, then send/id
(In both cases, make sure to add your bot to the channel/group as an admin !)
Copy-paste those to BotFather when he asks you for them
clean - Remove your archives from my servers 🚮♻️
mode - Upload things as Doc 📄 or Video 📹 (alias : /setmode)
start - Alive check 😪 Also useful after updates 🥰
Admin only commands (better to not include them)
stats - Get detailed stats about users and server
broadcast - Reply with this to a message to send it at every user
ban - {id of user}
unban - {id of user}
Deploying is easy 🥰 You can deploy this bot in Heroku or in a VPS
Star 🌟 Fork 🍴 and Deploy 📤
⚠️ Note : We are using arch linux. But why 🤔Because arch’s p7zip package is the only maintained version of original p7zip package with some additional features !
(if you're in a fork, make sure to replace the template URL with your repo’s one)
git clone -b arch https://github.com/EDM115/unzip-bot.git
cd unzip-bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Arch linux only ↓
sudo pacman -S p7zip
# Edit config.py with your own values
bash start.sh
DONE 🥳 enjoy the bot ! Be sure to follow me on Github and Star 🌟 this repo to show some support 🥺
If you found a bug in this bot please open an issue or report it at me
Same if you have any feature request
Copyright (c) 2022 EDM115
This Unarchiver Bot repository is licensed under MIT License (https://github.com/EDM115/unzip-bot/blob/master/LICENSE)
Enjoy copying and modifying, but always mention me
• Inspired by Itz-fork/Nexa’s work, but with additional features and bug fixes. This is a maintained repo of the original