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NOTES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CODE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This code creates Wenu or Zee candidates from some configurable trigger stream and applies some selections. It contains the following files: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% source and header files: ------------------------ WenuCandidateFilter.cc ZeeCandidateFilter.cc WenuPlots.h and WenuPlots.cc ZeePlots.h and ZeePlots.cc cfg files: ---------- pat_WenuPlots.py aod_WenuPlots.py pat_ZeePlots.py aod_ZeePlots.py macros: ------- PlotCombiner.cc inputFiles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For details with respect to the definitions of candidates check the implementation notes in all source files. There are 2 ways to run this code: either running the whole PAT sequence (recommended) or bypassing pat and run with whatever exists precalculated in the AOD collections. Run the code without running the PAT sequence ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quick instruction: cmsRun aod_WenuPlots.py or cmsRun aod_ZeePlots.py An interface that is provided aod2patFilter.cc creates pat::ElectronCollection and pat::METCollection from AOD. This uses the default pat constructors. Isolations are added manually to the the PAT objects in the following way: myElectron.setTrackIso(elec->dr03TkSumPt()); myElectron.setECalIso(elec->dr04EcalRecHitSumEt()); myElectron.setHCalIso(elec->dr04HcalTowerSumEt()); Please edit this part accordingly, if you prefere different isolation definitions. No facility to calculate your own isolations is provided. If you want to do so you have to run the PAT sequence yourself. (see next session) Running the whole PAT sequence yourself ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Quick instruction: cmsRun pat_WenuPlots.py or cmsRun pat_ZeePlots.py The software has been tested and run successfully with the following tags: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Test Release based on: CMSSW_3_1_2 --- Tag --- -------- Package -------- V01-08-08 CondFormats/JetMETObjects V05-06-05 DataFormats/PatCandidates V01-08-04-01 JetMETCorrections/Algorithms V01-08-21 JetMETCorrections/Configuration V02-09-05 JetMETCorrections/Modules V07-08-22-01 PhysicsTools/PatAlgos V03-07-06 PhysicsTools/PatUtils V04-02-02 PhysicsTools/PFCandProducer V02-10-01 RecoJets/JetAlgorithms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% However, it can be run just with CMSSW_3_1_2 without any further tags and should produce the same results. Instructions: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (the following hold for both Wenu and Zee plots) In the cfg file that is provided you have to edit the following lines:.... * line 17: the source - these are the input files >>> * line 30: select your Global Tag: STARTUP31X_V4::All this is good for the low lumi trigger menu MC_31X_V5::All this is good for the highlumi trigger menu >>> * line 71: the MET collection of your preference LINE 72: modify the "metSource" to take whatever met you like the default that is given is "met","","RECO" that is uncorrected Calo MET. >>> * line 96: select your Trigger path. There are 3 parameters that you set: LINE 96: HLT_process_name : high (HLT) or low (HLT8E29) lumi menu.............................. LINE 98 and 100: the path and the filter names. For your...... convenience all the correct pairs are given.. at the end of the cfg file................... >>> * line102: the Filter: select the parameters that you want. ONLY these... parameters have to be changed:................................ ETCut double the ET cut in the SC ET of the candidate METCut double the MET cut in the MET of the event vetoSecondElectronEvents bool (only Wenu) on/off rejection of events with a 2nd electron with ET>see nextpara ETCut2ndEle double the ET cut for the 2nd electron rejection electronMatched2HLT bool demand the electron to be matched to an HLT object (in Zee means at least one electron) electronMatched2HLT_DR double the DR for the HLT matching >>> * line124: set the selection cuts that you prefere........................ >>> * line159: set the cuts that you want to invert........................... >>> * line168: set the name of your selection PSet............................ How to add the histograms and make the final plots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (applies to all versions) After you have done these changes you can run over the grid over the different datasets. The histograms are stored in root trees that you can hadd together. For example if you have run over QCD Em enriched samples with say 10 jobs you will finally get out 10 files histos_1.root, histos_2, ...., histos_10.root that you can combine hadd histos_qcd.root histos_1.root histos_2.root .... Having added the different bkgs together you set up file "inputFiles" with the following format: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # zee or wenu wenu # file name, type (sig, qcd, bce, gje, ewk), weight histos_wenu.root sig 1.46 histos_q20_30.root qcd 0 histos_q30_80.root qcd 100. histos_q80_170.root qcd 0 histos_b20_30.root bce 0 histos_b30_80.root bce 0 histos_b80_170.root bce 0 histos_zee.root ewk 0 histos_wtaunu.root ewk 0 histos_ztautau.root ewk 0 histos_gj15.root gje 0 histos_gj20.root gje 0 histos_gj25.root gje 10.12 histos_gj30.root gje 0 histos_gj35.root gje 0 histos_wmunu.root ewk 0 histos_ttbar.root ewk 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lines that start with # are considered to be comments line 2 has wenu or zee. From line 4 the list of the histo files are listed (first word) then a type that could be sig,qcd,bce, gj or ewk in order to discriminate among different sources of bkgs and finally the weight that we want to weight the histogram entries. This particular example is for Wenu. For Zee one has to put type sig in the zee file and ewk in the Wenu file. The order of the files is arbitrary. Files with weight 0 will be ignored. After you have set up this code you run a root macro to combine the plots. You can do (not recommended - it actually crushes - to be debugged) root -b PlotCombiner.cc or to compile it within root (recommended) root -b root [1] .L PlotCombiner.cc++ root [2] PlotCombiner() and you finally get the plots. Contact [email protected] 18Sept09 Nikolaos Rompotis Imperial College London