- Cologne, Germany
- Pro
kit Public
Forked from sveltejs/kitThe fastest way to build Svelte apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 8, 2022 -
synapse Public
Forked from matrix-org/synapseSynapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python 3/Twisted.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
pgcli Public
Forked from dbcli/pgcliPostgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 6, 2021 -
emmet-ls Public
Forked from windwp/emmet-lsEmmet support based on LSP.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2021 -
tailblocks Public
Forked from mertJF/tailblocks🎉 Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2020 -
returns Public
Forked from dry-python/returnsMake your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 22, 2020 -
posthog-python Public
Forked from PostHog/posthog-pythonOfficial PostHog python library
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
ddtrace-asgi Public
Forked from florimondmanca/ddtrace-asgiUnofficial Datadog tracing integration for ASGI apps and frameworks
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 30, 2019 -
ipython-sql Public
Forked from catherinedevlin/ipython-sql%%sql magic for IPython, hopefully evolving into full SQL client
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
react-native-opencv3 Public
Forked from adamgf/react-native-opencv3react-native-opencv3 wraps functionality from OpenCV Java SDK 3.4.5 + face landmarks and iOS OpenCV 3.4.5 for use in React-Native apps. Please enjoy!
Java Other UpdatedMay 8, 2019 -
django_reverse_admin Public
Forked from daniyalzade/django_reverse_adminDjango Reverse Admin
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 16, 2018 -
speedparser Public
Forked from tedder/speedparserfeedparser but faster and worse. fork for py3 compat because jmoiron is nonresponsive.
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2018 -
poetry Public
Forked from python-poetry/poetryPython dependency management and packaging made easy.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 30, 2018 -
uvicorn Public
Forked from encode/uvicornThe lightning-fast ASGI server. 🦄
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 29, 2018 -
mimesis-factory Public
Forked from lk-geimfari/mimesis-factoryMimesis integration with factory_boy.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2018 -
choo-cli Public
Forked from trainyard/choo-cliCommand line scaffolding tools for choo js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2017 -
webpack-cli Public
Forked from webpack/webpack-cliwebpack CLI
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2017 -
bamboo Public
Forked from beam-community/bambooTestable, composable, and adapter based Elixir email library for devs that love piping.
Elixir MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2017 -
ex_admin Public
Forked from smpallen99/ex_adminExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework
Elixir MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2017 -
sentinel Public
Forked from britton-jb/sentinelPhoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality
Elixir MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2017 -
preprocessor Public
Forked from suitcss/preprocessorA future-facing CSS preprocessor (used by SUIT CSS)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2016 -
vbuild Public
Forked from egoist/poi🐢 🚀 Vue happiness build tool ✨ ⚡
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2016 -
broccoli-svgstore Public
Forked from svgstore/broccoli-svgstoreBroccoli plugin to combine SVG files using <symbol>
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 31, 2016 -
mix-test.watch Public
Forked from lpil/mix-test.watchBecause TDD is awesome.
Elixir Other UpdatedMay 15, 2016 -
ember-model-validator Public
Forked from esbanarango/ember-model-validatorember-cli addon, which adds validation support to your Ember-Data models.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 26, 2016