Currently, Ask-Anything is a simple yet interesting tool for chatting with video. Our team is trying to build smart and robust ChatBot for video understanding now.
Click the image or here to chat with chatGPT around your videos
- 2023/04/19: Code release & Online Demo
- VideoChat: Explicit communication with ChatGPT. Sensitive with time. demo is avaliable!
- MiniGPT-4 for video: Implicit communication with Vicuna. Not sensitive with time. (Simple extension of MiniGPT-4, which will be improved in the future.)
Our team constantly studies general video understanding and long-term video reasoning:
- Strong video foundation model.
- Video-text dataset and video reasoning benchmark.
- Video-language system with LLMs.
- Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) for Video.
- ...
We are hiring researchers, engineers and interns in General Vision Group, Shanghai AI Lab. If you are interested in working with us, please contact Yi Wang ([email protected]